First Broken Heart

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"I got a full ride to Duke," Ashton says, pulling me out of the cafeteria and holding out a letter.

I take it. Sure enough, it's an acceptance letter with a full scholarship attached. For computer science and basketball.

"I- I didn't know you applied," I stammer. "I thought you were going to try to go to performing arts school with me."

"I was," Ashton responds, trying to explain. "But, I'd applied to Duke before I met you. Plus, I love computer science. And basketball. Their basketball team is really good."

"Wait, are you actually considering going?" I ask.

He nods.

"I thought you loved me. I thought we had a future!" I feel panicked, trapped. 

"I do, but this is my future! Don't you understand? I could be the next Steve Jobs or Mark Zuckerberg!"

"Couldn't you find a computer science school in New York or Massachusetts? Or even Maryland?"

"I want to go to Duke!"

"But I want to be with you! Is college going to tear us apart?" 

"He's already done," someone says. 

Julia stands there, holding someone's arm in a death grip. Violet. She hold up a phone. 

"Violet and I have the same phone, but she doesn't have a passcode on hers. I grabbed it, thinking it was mine, and I found some interesting text messages up between her and Amber."

Julia holds out the phone, showing me a screenshot sent to Amber. It's a text conversation between Violet and Ashton. Why would he be texting her? I begin to read the texts. It goes from bad to worse. The whole time, Ashton just stands there, looking like an idiot. 

Hey! The other night was fantastic!

About that... You can't tell Skylar.

Wouldn't dream of it. That is, unless you don't agree to our terms. 

Whose terms?

Me and Amber want you to do our science project. 

So if I do you guys' project, you won't tell Skylar?

She won't know a thing.

You've got a deal.

Hurt spreads across my face. I can't look at Ashton. I can't move. I just stand there like an idiot. Finally, Julia asks the question that I would like answered, but wouldn't at the same time. 

"What happened between you guys?" Her voice is hard. "What did you do?"

"We made out a little..." Ashton admits.

"A lot." Violet snorts. 

Ashton walks towards me and lifts my chin, forcing me to look at him. 

"Skylar," he pleads. "It meant nothing. I promise you, it meant nothing."

"Get away from me!" I yell. "We're over! I never want to see you again!"

I run down the hallway. Footsteps follow me. I run into my dad's room, not daring to look around. I hide behind his desk, but see Julia walk in, not Ashton. 

"Sky? Where are you?" She calls out. 

"Down here," I croak. 

She comes and sinks onto her knees directly beside me. We sit there as silent tears run down my cheeks. She puts her arm around me to show me that she's there for me, and I'm glad to have my best friend. That's exactly how my dad finds us ten minutes later when he saunters back into his room after his lunch break. He jumps at the sight of us, but slowly gets down to our level when he sees me crying. 

"Hey, Skylar. What's wrong?"

I sniff and turn away. Julia rubs my shoulders and gets up, taking my dad with her. I hear mutters between the two of them. Then, they slowly walk over to me. Julia helps me up. Once I'm out from behind the desk, I grab onto my dad.

"Daddy," I sob.

"It's ok, Skylar," he says, rubbing my back. 

He passes my crying form to Julia and picks up the phone. 

"Hello, yeah. I need to get a substitute for next period. Family matter. My daughter needs me. I also want to inform you that Skylar will not be in class today. Something has happened. Oh! One more thing. I want to see about a transfer slip for a student of mine. Uh-huh. Ok. Bye."

And with that, he takes my hand and leads me out of his classroom, the hallway, the school, and to his car. Julia waves goodbye at the door. I smile meekly. I'm glad I forgave my dad, and I'm glad that we spent so much time together. It helps to have him come to my rescue during a situation like this. 

We end up in front of the movie theater. He takes me inside and we get tickets to see some live action Disney movie, which I don't really pay attention to. I don't really move or eat or anything, but my dad doesn't seem to mind. Afterwards, he confronts me about a plan.

"I know that you had plans with Ashton this weekend," he begins, pulsing with anger when he says the name. "But now, since you're free, do you and Julia want to go and tour Concordia?"

"You mean the arts school in New York? The one I got offered a big scholarship for?"

He nods, beaming. 

"Sure that'd be great!"

"Wonderful!" he responds. "I have a friend who teaches up there who would be happy to show you guys around. The only problem is, would Mrs. Barnes be ok with you guys going by yourself? I have a teachers' conference that weekend."

"I'm sure we're old enough," I say. "After all, I'll be eighteen in two weeks, and Julia already is."

"Ok, perfect! I'll book you tickets!"

"Like, tickets for a plane?" I ask.

"Yeah, is that a problem?" he answers, looking concerned. 

"No," I answer, faking a smile. "No problem at all."

He smiles at me. I can't wait to tell Julia that we're going to get to tour a New York college. It sounds like a perfect trip. It'll be my first time on a plane, and Julia and I can make a girls' weekend out of it. If only I wasn't so terrified of heights. 

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