First Father Daughter Moment

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At first, I don't know what to do, so I just burst out laughing. Something like this can't be happening to me again. Not again. Once what he just said sinks in, I completely lose it, right then and there. Suddenly, it doesn't matter that I barely know this man, it doesn't matter that I've only known that he's my father for a few seconds, or that I'm in a completely public place. All that matters is that he's my dad, I'm his little girl, and I need a dad right now. I collapse against his chest sobbing.

"Daddy," I whisper. "Is that really you?"

He rubs my head.

"Yes, sweetheart. Yes. It's me."

Then, I realize what I'm doing. I back away, and all the things that didn't matter do matter.

"Julia," I call, my voice catching. "Julia, I need you."

"Coming!" I hear Julia call as she rushes towards me.

She stares at my tear-streaked face, Mr. Moore's shocked expression, and the mascara stains on his white shirt, trying to put together what just happened. She realizes I'm on the verge of tears and puts her arm over me, so that I can rest my head on her shoulder. We walk in the same even stride to the bathroom, everyone's eyes on us the whole way.

"What's wrong?" Julia asks as soon as the door closes behind us. "What happened?"

I choke back a sob and try to speak.

"It's just that... Mr. Moore... My father... Invite... Stupid idea... I don't even... Why me?"

I have no idea how to explain what just happened to Julia. In fact, I'm not even sure I understand it. I decide to just go with exactly what Mr. Moore said. Taking a deep breath, I begin.

"Mr. Moore is not one of my mom's old teachers. He's way too young for that. If what he says is true, he was a very good friend of my mom's. We were talking about it and he said something that kind of confused me. It's a little bit of a shock. Or a lot of a shock, actually. He said- Well, he said that he's my father.

"This could be true because Ms. Barnes had a stupid idea. She thought it would make my father feel guilty if she invited him to the funeral of the woman he abandoned. She never thought he would actually show up, I don't think. Apparently, she was wrong. I don't know if he's telling the truth or not, and I barely know Mr. Moore, but for some reason, I believe him."

When I look up, Julia's just staring at me, her face a mixture of shock, disbelief, doubt, and, mostly, sympathy. She opens her arms, a gesture to let me know that she's giving me a hug. I gladly accept.

"I'm so sorry," she tells me. "I'm sorry for the way you've had to live your life. I'm sorry for the way you've met your dad. I'm sorry he just happens to teach the subject you're the worst at and hate the most."

She tries cracking this joke and smiling, and I have to admit, it helps a little. I even try a little smile, and that makes me feel better, too. 

"Are you ready to go back out there yet?" she asks tentatively

I nod, but gulp, not sure if I'm ready to face the Barnes', my newfound father, and a bunch of total strangers that used to know my mom. Then, something hits me. If I'm not ready to face them, how will I even look at Ashton. 

Julia helps me up off the floor, and we leave the bathroom, my hands shaking. As the door swings open, I take a deep breath. A single footstep. That's the only sound in the room. Then more footsteps, heeled footsteps, as Julia and I walk back towards our group of friends. 

"You guys wanna get out of here?" Julia asks. 

"Heck yeah," James says under his breath.

Everyone agrees and we leave, not looking back. The door doesn't hit a single one of us on the way out. We pile into our cars after agreeing to head to Red Lobster for some food. We order a giant party platter to share, laughing and talking. Everything is once again effortless, and I lapse into comfortable conversation. Eventually, Ashton says something that gets my attention.

"So, is this like a triple date?"

James looks around. 

"Yeah. I guess it is."

I blush, embarrassed, when Ashton calls it a date, but nothing in the world could cover the huge grin that creeps up and splits my face in half. Ashton smiles back at me, and chills run up my spine when he takes my hand under the table. It was never like this with James. I never had this need to be around him. I need Ashton's company, his easy smile, his flowing stream of jokes, his Australian accent. 

I continue conversation, though sounding a little distant. The only thing I can think about right now is my hand in his, or the kiss that meant something on the stage. We may be actors, but that was real. I'm sure of it. 

Halfway through Julia's story about watching baby turtles crawl to the ocean, my phone goes off. I see Mrs. Barnes' number and groan. 

"I have to take this," I grumble. 

Ashton drops my hand, James smirks, Greg mouths 'good luck,' Julia shrugs and rolls her eyes. I laugh at my group of insane friends, but the laughter quickly dissipates when my eyes catch the ominous glare of my phone. I fumble with the answer button.


"Oh, Skylar, thank God you've picked up! I don't know what I would've done if you didn't answer!"

Wait... That was an option.

"You told me he wouldn't come," is all I can say. "He wasn't supposed to come. And he wasn't supposed to be my math teacher!"


"Well, why did he come?"

"I-I didn't think he would come. I mean, it was always a possibility, but..." she trailed off.

"No, of course you didn't think. Listen, I'm with my friends. I don't know when I'll be back, but honestly, I don't care. I'll see you eventually."

Then, I hang up. I just hang up on my official guardian. I don't know whether to be afraid, still angry, or proud. I go and sit back down with my friends, the people who would never do the thing Mrs. Barnes did. The only people who I trust. 

After we finish eating, we go to The Adventure Park at Sandy Springs. Of course, I've never been, or even heard of it. We do all sorts of crazy ziplines, and by the end of our "adventure," I'm not completely terrified of them. 

Ashton drives me home, thinking Mrs. Barnes might be worried. My stomach sinks. Ashton walks me to the door and gives me a soft kiss. 

"I really didn't want to do that stupid play at first, but look what's come out of it," he says, smiling.

Then, he leaves and I'm left to face up with what I did. At least I think I am. A car pulls up in front of my house and honks the horn. 

"What are you waiting for?" Julia calls. "Get in the car! Or do you want to stay here?"

I grin and run towards her old red truck. Julia's a life saver. 

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