First Sneak Attack

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Annabelle's obnoxious One Direction alarm blares. One thing's for sure, the only direction they're going is down. At first, I'm grumpy and groggy, as usual, but then I remember my awesome Friday night and the adorable boy waiting for me at school. I jump out of bed, quickly throwing together an outfit, jeans and a red t-shirt with the words 'Shine Bright' printed on it. I rush downstairs, grab a banana and a glass of milk, and sit impatiently, waiting for Julia to come and pick me up.

A car pulls up beside my house, but instead of the red truck Julia's dad lets her borrow, it's a sleek silver car. The same sleek silver car in front of my house three days ago. My heart pounds, and I can't hide the infectious grin that creeps it's way onto my face. The tall, blonde boy knocks politely on my door. I open it to find him standing there with his hands in his back pockets. He sees it's me, gives me a hug, and then takes my backpack from me, carrying it to the car.

When I comment on how chivalrous he is, I'm pleased to know he understands what it means. I enjoy another pleasant drive with James as he showers me with compliments like 'I love your hair', 'Red looks fantastic on you', and 'You're laugh is adorable.'

When we pull into the school parking lot, I notice about six girls giving me dirty looks. It looks like I wasn't the only girl in school who had my eye on the mysterious new kid. Luckily, I was the one he had his eye on.

"D'you know what month it is?" James asks me.

I shrug.

"February. The month of romance," he says, his voice smooth like silk.

I smile shyly. He really is a great talker. He carries my books to English class, glancing at the Sweetheart Dance poster on the wall on the way, which makes me blush. We sit in our normal seats, and English is basically uneventful. My mind wanders to Julia's reaction when I tell her about my date with James. She called me, but I said I wanted to tell her in person. We never really got together over the weekend, so I figured that Monday would be an ok time to tell her.

The bell rings, and James walks me to Biology, hands me my books, and heads into his Social Studies class across the hall. I sit down at my seat, and with a minute and a half until the bell, Julia puts her hands on my shoulders and looks at me expectantly.

"Alright, tell me everything."

I'm only to the part when James has shown me the beautiful meadow when Mr. Howard starts to teach, interrupting our discussion. We settle on passing notes. Luckily, Mr. Howard either doesn't catch us, or realize that we're good enough students, so he won't start bothering us unless our grades are affected.

Soon enough, Julia has collected the entire story of my evening with James, and it takes all her energy to keep her from squealing loudly in the middle of class. With a lot of self control and a little luck, Julia's able to remain quiet until the bell rings. She stops me when I stand up.

"How come you didn't tell me?"

"James is waiting," I remind her.

"You should have called! This is huge!"

"Which is why I told you in person. Now James is waiting."

I push her out of my way, but she just follows me like a little puppy dog. We meet James in the hallway and he takes the books out of my hand. He had me put my backpack in my locker this morning, so that I wouldn't have to carry anything.

We walk side by side to gym, his arm around me, and Julia walking beside me, clinging desperately to our flirtatious conversation. Brandon isn't really the romantic, unlike James. James uses his forearm to push the gym door open, the books in his arms as secure as always. Today, we're going to play capture the flag. I groan, seeing as I suck at the concept known as "running."

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