First Kiss

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"Come on, you big baby! It's just mascara!"

It's Friday night. I find myself surrounded by Julia and her gigantic makeup bag. She's struggling to do my eyes.

"Stop blinking!"

"I'm sorry, I can't help it! You're thrusting a bristle-covered stick towards my eye! How can you not blink?"

She sighs, but slows down, stroking evenly as I try to hold my eyelids open with my fingers. It takes about twenty minutes, but by seven forty-five, I find myself with a full face of makeup. I look down at what Julia picked out for me to wear, a strapless black dress and three-inch black heels. I feel self conscious, constantly pulling the top of the dress up. My nails match my bright red lips. Julia begins to put my hair in a fishtail braid to the side.

Three minutes later, I'm completely ready. I walk slowly down the stairs, trying not to trip. When Mrs. Barnes sees me, she gets teary-eyed.

"Look at you," she crows. "All ready for your first date!"

"Don't let him know this is your first date," Julia warns.

I nod, already having heard this speech three times. My shoes echo loudly on the linoleum floor as I make my way to the kitchen. Once I sit as gracefully as possible on a wooden chair, Julia sweeps over to apply the finishing touch: a bright red leather jacket. I shrug it onto my shoulders, glad to have such a heavy jacket, considering it's January twenty-ninth. Yesterday was the one-month anniversary of my mother's passing. I cried for three hours. I still haven't had the courage to face the courthouse.

Mrs. Barnes seems to realize I'm thinking about yesterday again, and, for the sake of my mascara, quickly changes the subject.

"You look so beautiful, sweetie. I'm sure James will love it!"

"James would love anything she wore," Julia mutters jealously.

I'm torn between shooting a dirty look and grinning obnoxiously, so I just keep a neutral expression. Julia and Mrs. Barnes relax enough to sit in the kitchen, talking about some girly soap opera, cups of coffee in their hands. I just sit there and nervously twist the silver locket, the only thing I've ever gotten from my father. All that's inside is a note that reads: I hope one day you'll have a picture of us to put inside. It's the only thing I've lied to my mother about, pretending to have thrown it away. Secretly, I treasured the only connection I had with my dad.

The doorbell rings, bringing me out of my trance. I slowly stand up, knees shaking. It's not every day I go on a date, let alone a first date. A walk calmly to the front door, relaxing my shoulders before I swing it open. The first thing I can think it, Oh my Oz. 

James is wearing black suit pants, a white shirt and black tie, and a sleek, black leather jacket. He has his hair slicked back, which must have been difficult with his curls, and he looks absolutely-


The word comes tumbling out of my mouth. I'm unable to stop it. Somehow James didn't notice, though. Instead of his usual crooked smile, he stands there, open mouthed. 

"Wow. Just wow. You look... Wow."

I blush, smiling slightly. We stand there, smiling awkwardly at one another, for a few minutes, interrupted by Julia. 

"Ahem, you two might want to get going. You'll miss your dinner reservations."

James seems to be shaken out of his trance. He takes my hand, leading me towards the car. 

"I have a surprise for you."

I smile shyly and call out one last goodbye to Julia and Mrs. Barnes. James opens my door like the gentleman he is, then walks around to the driver's seat. His car is sleek and silver. It's very nice on the inside, with a GPS installed in the dashboard. The engine purrs to life, rather than screaming and rumbling like Mrs. Barnes' yellow bug. He smiles over at me and we head off towards the surprise destination of our date. 

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