When you meet <3

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You were walking around the school with your cousin Kyle because he was showing you around, you had moved in with your aunt , uncle and your cousin Kyle.  Then this really fat kid and a boy with his hood up walked up to you two. "Hey, Jew is this your like Jew girlfriend" the fat kid asked "No, i'm his jew cousin" you snapped making the boy in the hoodie laugh. "SHUT UP KENNY" the fat kid yelled "sorry she is funny" he said. The rest of the day you two talked about hoodies and told each other random jokes in class.


You were walking to the bus stop for your first day at a new school in South Park, when you saw other people there you sighed and put your headphones on and waited for the bus. "Hey Jew boy see who that bitch is" The chubby one said "ughh fine, and stop calling me Jew boy" one said that voice was familiar you looked over at the boys and saw your old best friend Kyle. "(Y/N)!?" Kyle said shocked "The one and only" you said bowing and smirking. " I can't believe you moved back that is amazing" he said smiling "yeah, had to move back dad got his old job back so i'm back, hope you missed me" you said punching him in the shoulder lightly. You two grew up together, your family lived in the same house you used to, right across from Kyle's.


You were sitting on the bleachers at the park drawing snk characters (i love that anime) when this kid with black hair and a blue jacket and hat sat by you and flipped you off, so you did the same. He smiled and whispered "We are best friends now" and he took your pencil and wrote his number on your drawing. "Craig, see ya" he said walking away "(Y/N)" you called after him.


You sat at the cafe drinking your 3rd cup of coffee you didn't know why you loved coffee so much, while you were drinking you saw a boy who was shaking and twitching a little with he was with a boy who had a blue jacket and hat along with black hair. The boy who was twitching had light blonde hair and hazel eyes(correct me if i'm wrong about his eyes). You saw he stole glances at you and was blushing, when his friend sighed flipped him off and walked up to you. "hey my friend wants to talk to you" he said his eyes burning into your soul "really, um i guess i could talk to him" you said drinking more coffee. The boy sighed and dragged his friend over where you were sitting "hi" you said "h-hi" he said "I'm Craig and this is Tweek" Tweek's friend said.  "(Y/N)" you said smiling. After a while you, Craig and Tweek became friends, not so much Craig, but Tweek was pretty cool.

You were an outcast, not goth, emo, or sporty you just didn't fit in. So you sat behind the school with, well, close to the goth kids. You sat  by the wall reading your book "Hey conformist, shouldn't you go reading in that conformist library inside" you looked over at the goths. There was a curly haired one, a younger almost preschool age one, the bigger girl, and this one with his hair dyed red. "Shouldn't you mind your own business" you glared at the goths. All but the one with red hair looked away he gave you a half smile and turned back to his 'friends'.

You were close friends with Gregory so you some what knew Christophe. One day you and Gregory were having lunch when Christophe came over, rudely might I add. "Ello Gregory and uh (Y/N) was it" he glanced at you and then looked to Gregory. "Christophe!" Gregory yelled "You own this fine lady an apology, I do believe" Gregory scolded Christophe as you sat there confused. "Fine, sorry (Y/N)" Christophe said looking at you and smiling a little before going back to his conversation

You were poor, and best friends with Kenny and Token. You and Kenny were hanging out one day and then the subject of crushes came up. "So (Y/N) do you have any feelings for a certain someone" Kenny asked you wiggling his eyebrows at you. "Yes, but who cares he would never like a poor girl like me" you said getting a 'Are you fucking serious' look and took a deep breath before saying in a gay guy voice "Oh p lease girl you are everything" he said then cleared his throat "Now tell me who is this mystery boy hmmm I wonder were that came from 😈 never mind most readers inside thing "It's Token" you said looking down "Yeah I know it's a stupid hope to have a rich boy and a poor girl" you looked at Kenny and saw a devilish smile on his face "Ima tell him" then he ran off "KENNYYY!"

So I have decided that I'm not adding Ike Pip or Cartman. I just don't have any ideas for them sorry to you all hoping to get them added

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