First fight

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Here comes the most dreaded one in my option. And thanks for all the votes and reads guys loves u <3

"You know what fuck you too Kenny" You said on the verge of tears. "Fine you know what I wish I had never met you, you dirty slut!" He snapped. All this started when you were ranting about people and Kenny was on edge and snapped when you mentioned someone he knew and then it started from there. You looked at him shocked, "Fine, bye Kenny" you said crying a little walking to the door. "Wait, (Y/N) please I'm sorry." He said "I'm a little pissed off at everyone and I just didn't know that I would snap at you". You looked at him, and hugged him "It's fine, but call me a slut again and you will die and, never.come.back." you said.

You were walking with Kyle when you threw a snowball at him but it hit  him in the face. He got a little mad. "What the fuck (Y/N)" He said glaring at you "What I was having a little fun" You said looking back at him. "Well, warn someone before you throw a snowball at their face" He snapped. "It's just a snowball, calm down" "Yeah, but it could have been a rock in it" He said. You looked him and smacked him and said "Get off your man-period" and you grabbed his hand and put snow in it "Now you hit me with one you cry-baby" you said as he put the snowball on your head "Better" "Better"

You sat on your bed with Craig right next to you asleep, you thought of something to do for him. So you called Tweek and asked him "Sure....ok....yeah thanks Tweek I owe you one...Kay...Bye" You hang up and see Craig looking pissed and half-asleep. "Why, were you talking to Tweek" He asked "Just to talk" You said "You said you owed him one". Lets just say after a lot of threats and insults later..."Sorry, if i wanted to be nice Craig, and do something to surprise you but i understand" You said not looking at him "Really, you would do something for me, when I'm the worst boyfriend ever" He said hugging you and falling back asleep cuddling you on the couch.

He didn't want you to keep standing up for him so he told you about it and it progressed from there. "Well, they wouldn't call me a little bitch if y-you wouldn't stand up for me all the time" He said "Sorry, if i want to protect my boyfriend, but i understand if you didn't want me to help out at all" You said. He looked hurt and confused at the same time "I don't want you to feel useless, but I just wanted to say I can take care of myself" He said hugging, well squeezing, you to death.

You two got in a fight, he lost his last game and was pissed. You were teasing him like a good girlfriend do dis to my boy all the time 😘 love him "You know I could have maybe made that last touchdown that could have won the game" you laughed as you two walked. "Really?" He stopped "ok I get it you're being funny, but not now please" he said as he continued walking "Ok" you said trying to catch up "Sorry" you said grabbing his sleeve "those refs didn't know what they were doing" you said pecking his lips making him smile
Sorry for the late update and the sucky chapter, but eh i tried

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