First kiss ~W~

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You two were having a staring contest, why, I really don't know, and Kenny was planning to kiss you, and you the same. So after a while Kenny started leaning in and you did the same....then, you bumped forheads and fell back laughing. You sat up and kissed him softly on the lips, "happy?" you asked looking at him "yes, but i was going to make the first move" he said pouting. "yeah, you baby" you said poking his cheek, (I do this to everyone, all the time). You and him resumed the staring contest and the random kisses in between.

Kyle just walked up to you while you were reading and kissed you out of nowhere you, of course kissed back. You soon found out it was just to show Eric that he could kiss someone before him. You smirked as you heard Eric throwing a huge fit about Kyle getting kissed, then you started giggle when they started to fight, like a good girlfriend you sat out with Kenny and watched it all go down, "So, what exactly happened" you asked Kenny "I really don't know, Eric bet Kyle five dollars he couldn't get a girl to kiss him, but he didn't know you two were dating then it went down from there i guess" he said shrugging, "5 bucks Stan's going to kill Eric" you said "Deal" Kenny said, and you two shook on it.

You were sooooooo bored you sat in your room on tumblr,(me everyday <3) "Why is life so boring" you asked yourself. Then you got a text from Craig,
C: Hey
You: Hey
C: Open your window
C: please. Your tree is really uncomfortable
You looked out your window and saw Craig sitting on a tree branch, you smiled and opened the window "I don't know, you seem really happy in the tree" you said "Move, or i will land on you" he said getting ready to jump. You moved and he jumped and landed on the bed. "Thank god it was cold out there," he said smirking "Hey can i have a hug" he asked walking towards you, "no your cold, then i will be cold if you hug me" you said backing up....until you hit a wall. Your lips were inches apart, when he smiled and kissed you, that was really cold but you didn't care anymore and kissed back. When you parted you two cuddled and napped the rest of the day. (Favorite one to do next to tweek's :3)

You and Tweek were trying new coffee flavors at your house, "Hmm, this isn't too bad" you said handing him (F/C) (favorite coffee, don't have one name a random one) He took a sip "yeah, b-but i think i know s-something that tastes even better" he said blushing like mad. You looked him confused,(you were sitting on his lap because you are light af) "What" you asked "You.." he whispered and kissed you a little roughly (BOOM! the cute quiet one got the rough kiss, shocked you right) and you kissed back, and smiled into the kissed. "i was right you do taste better" he said kissing your forehead. You didn't know Craig was video taping you two from the window.

So how did you like it, I will add some Characters but not unless you request and request scenarios too i'm running out here.
Tweek: You should request, please....
Me: AWWWW! Tweek you so cute
Tweek: *Faints from sudden noise*

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