Chapter 3: Trolls

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You were currently drinking hot chocolate in the trailer home he left at a trailer park. You managed to get the remains of your belongings from your destroyed rental, but all that was left was your phone and charger. Your iPod was nowhere to be found, and your backpack that had your clothes and other necessities were impaled right through it. Luckily your wallet was with you during the attack. You bought clothes and a new backpack. Other necessities were kindly provided by the Norwegian man who accepted you on his trip because you two were going to live in one trailer for two months.

You sipped your chocolate quietly as your companion was talking to his brother, in Swedish, on the phone.

"Jag förstår... Lugna ner dig-" You almost dropped your hot chocolate from a sudden yell in German on the phone. (Translation: I understand... Calm down-)

"Quatsch!" The angry voice on the phone can be heard. (Translation: Bullshit[?])

The rest wasn't clear, but you thought that they were having an argument on the phone as Lukas switched to German. You found this amusing as Lukas just pulled his phone away from his ear and ended the call.

"I hope you don't understand German."

"I might've failed Norwegian, but I haven't failed my German yet." You giggled. "But luckily for you everything was unclear."

He muttered something under his breath as he looked at the wall clock.

"Since there's still enough time before we go back to that troll, I'll teach you what to do for your survival." You turned on your camera behind you and started to document this.

"Hit me up with knowledge." For the first time he didn't seem to mind the camera.

"There are two kinds of trolls." He started to explain as he took out an old book from a bookshelf and placed it down on the table in front of you. "The Forest and Mountain trolls." He opened the book in front of you. The book had old illustrations of the trolls he talked about, but there were many forms of them. Some of them just looked like a normal human.


"The troll we encountered was this." His finger pointed to a picture of a troll that had nine heads. It looked similar to the one you've encountered through a shadowy figure, but the heads killed it's figure.

"That troll looked like it only had two heads, why does this have nine? Is it a abnormality of that kind or something?"

"It's called a Tosserlad." He explained. "It's not an abnormality amongst its kind. It grows heads as it ages. Nine is the most it can grow, and it is used for attraction."

"You mean the heads are his chick magnets?" He nodded his head as your mouth straightened from the weird fact. "Okay then..."

"It's only a subspecies, but it's intelligent of course." You seemed impress from his teachings as you continued to listen.

"In old Norse myths trolls can be hostile or not, though most trolls of today are hostile."


"Modernization, changes. Scandinavia used to have pagan beliefs. Gods and goddesses, entities, and other divine creatures." He closed the book and stood up. "Idiots had the nerve to build ski resorts, and other tourist attractions near breeding grounds." He got the book and returned it to the bookshelf. "Due to that, trolls are too near to people and most if the world's population believe in Christianity then they'd go beserk and kill them."

"Why would trolls do that?"

"My grandfather used to day that trolls and people from the old ages lived in peace and harmony, but then when Christianity came to this land they saw them as invaders. It was said that they fled to the wilderness, and now we're starting to forget that. Though I already knew that trolls can be hostile since the beginning."

"Since the beginning?"

"Old folklores." He spoke as he took a seat. "Trolls can be carnivorous. They can eat rocks and other plants too."


"Don't ask." You nodded.

"They also have weaknesses. The sun and bells."

"I've heard about their weakness on sun, but bells? Why bells?"

"Churches have bells, and the bells of churches hurt their ears. So if a troll attacks people find their haven in churches."

"Ahh... Got it." You gave a nod. "But you mentioned that trolls can be hostile. Are there some trolls who live in peace?"

"Of course. Around the region some trolls leave humanity to it's work and do their own."

"How do you monitor that?"



"I leave tires around areas where trolls live to monitor them. They go as a family. Mother, father, sister, and brother. They travel together. If I find bites and nibbles on the tires then that means they've left the area. If I don't then there still around."

"They eat tires?"

"They eat whatever junk they want. Old containers of trucks, old cars, garbage, and etcetera."

"That's nice..." You trailed off. Then a knock on the door was heard. You turned off the camera and pretended that you were scanning through pictures. Your eyes looked up at the door to see Lukas talking to a man. Both of them spoke in their mother tongues as the man shook hands with him. He closed the door as soon as the man bid his farewells.

"What was that?"

"The next hunt." You rose your eyebrow as he placed an envelope on the table. You opened the envelope and read the papers, which were impossible because they were in Norwegian. You banged your face on the desk as your companion rolled his eyes.

"There's a troll under a bridge in the next town."

"Troll bridge..." A reference from Dora suddenly came to you. "So there's like a living and breathing troll right beneath that area. What's it doing?"

"There've been reports of missing livestock and reports of dead livestock below the bridge." He grabbed a mug and poured in some coffee in it from the small pitcher of coffee.

"That troll has been stealing livestock?"

"No, someone has been stealing the livestock. A pagan who still believes in sacrificial rituals maybe." He placed the pitcher down and walked towards you while drinking.

"You mean those crazy cult people?" You scanned through the pictures of the dead livestock had ropes attached to them and a burned mark on their asses.

The mark had a circle with a hammer inside of a lightning bolt. You frowned knowing that this was not one of your fandom cults you've joined.

"Worshippers of Thor? They exist?"

"If my hypothesis is correct, then they think that the troll underneath the bridge was sent by the god to punish them. Storms have gathered up around lately through these parts with farms and barnyards destroyed."

"But how does one start to go pagan by just that?"

"It's either they've gone crazy or they are crazy."

"Either ways that cult has to stop."

"Aren't you part of a cult yourself Ms. (Last name)?"

"Huh?" You rose your eyebrow at him.

"The Cult of Thorki." Your faced immediately flushed with embarrassment.

"S-Stop reading my mind!" You stammered as he calmly drank his coffee. "It's a Tumblr blog I run, okay!"

"With lots of erotic fanfictions you wrote yourself." You covered your face in embarrassment and groaned from his torture.

"Shut up!" You started to sulk as he rolled his eyes and flicked your forehead.

"Oww! What was that for?" You took off your hands and rubbed the stop he hit.

"Waking you up, now help me prepare. We're going back to the forest tonight."

The Troll Hunter《Norway x Reader》[✔]Where stories live. Discover now