Chapter 21: Dragons

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You walked around the dragon grounds with caution, carefully not stepping on tails, eggs, nests, or anything at all. You were afraid that you might offend them in any way.

Lukas watched you from a far with Skađi by his side. The two watched you like an eagle. Both beautiful eyes were on you, making sure that you don't do anything that would cost you trouble.

Skađi grunted a bit with a sense of approval. Lukas felt a bit at ease. He didn't want to jinx this moment. He didn't know much on divination like his sisters and mother, he couldn't predict the future like them. It didn't bother him since he learned that it was their role in the family to know that, and divination takes more emotional energy than physical or mentality.

I like this girl. He could hear his mother's words echoing at the back of his mind.

He didn't want to believe it either, but he never thought that you could be good for him. He wanted to think that he was too good for you, or you were too good for him. But a mind can't stay on the same thought forever. He started to realize that it was something he never thought he'd feel again after so many years. Maybe in a different form, but it was too familiar.

"Woah there big guy!" You laughed out of nowhere as a dragon tackled you on the ground playfully.

Lukas snapped out of his thoughts and watched you carefully. He didn't want this to go wrong.

"Easy boy!" Your hearty laughter gave off a sense of ease to the dragon that was currently on top of you and licking your face like a dog.

He was bigger than Skađi, and more playful. He, you learned that it was a he from observing the differences and asking some of the people, was handsome and beautiful. It reminded you of someone, but just a more playful version of him.

The dragon was marvelous. Gold talons and silver white scales. It was about thirty feet long, or longer. His eyes were ruby red with a small glint of amber against the sunlight. He was a marvelous creature.

He nuzzle his face against yours as you laughed with glee. The guy was too cute and too huge to handle.

Lukas watched you from a far with amazement. Years of practice, yet this was the first time someone he saw taming a dragon on the first week of their own training. Was it beacuse you are a natural or was it thanks to him? Still, he was amazed at what you can do within a small amount of time. Trouble and adventure, the only things you both did for the first two weeks. Everything was full of excitement.

Now it was the third week of the month, and everything has just been a rollercoaster ride. Everything started to click into place. Feelings, wants, needs, and etcetera. He felt elated, very elated for the first time in years.

23rd of December... His thoughts remembered the date today.

It was almost Christmas, and he was so far from home. He was never home for Christmas. He always knew that Berwald was there every year. He never came because of his older brother's differences with him.

He couldn't say if he hated him or not. He was still his brother after all.

He sighed at the thoughts. He has always wanted to go, but he didn't want to raise supicion. Berwald knew that he was on to revealing the mythical world, and he wasn't letting him anywhere near that. He didn't also want to raise suspicion about (Y/n). You were looking for an assignment to do and if they all found out, then it was time to clear your mind after everything you've been through.

"Okay, down boy!" Your gleeful words snapped him out once again.

The silver dragon sat down and let out a shark-like grin.

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