Chapter 4: Oh Shit

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You helped him carry the rest of the equipment at the back of the SUV. Some studio lights, ropes, emergency weapons, and a large light like the ones in lighthouses.

"Take this." He handed you a silver bell that had an angel carved on to it.

"Small, but deadly." You chuckled and slipped the bell into the holster-bag on your waist along with a flashlight.

You both drove back into the area where you've encountered your first troll. It looked cold and eerie as always, but you felt a gut feeling that something wasn't right.

You opened the gate as Lukas drove the SUV in the area. Then you felt a shiver up your spine as you moved backward. The surface wasn't soft like snow, but hard like stone. Afraid of turning your head around, you tried to calm yourself down telling yourself that it might be a rock under the snow you stepped on.
But then you felt some hot breath above you and something slimy dripping on your parka and wooled beanie.

"Lukas!" You whispered for help, but you stood still as a rock from fear. The troll you've both encountered yesterday was right behind you breathing and alive.

Suddenly the beast roared. You looked back to see its hand grabbing for you. You dived away and rolled into a not-so-safe distance from the humongous beast. It roared out loud, almost making your ears bleed, as you ran away from it. The large footsteps made the earth shake making you stumble on invisible branches and rocks.

"Bondevik!!!" You yelled as you took out the bell from your holster and waved it in the air creating noise. The beast cried out in fear, which was worse than chasing you, and made the snow from the tree branches fall on you.

You were buried under the snow. You can't seem to dig yourself out at the moment, but you heard the troll scream. From the snow small illuminations of light can be seen through, but not throughly. You tried to dig yourself out, but the snow was too thick.

"(Last name)?!" You heard him yell.

"Under hear!" You yelled with all your might as the snow made your nose numb. "Help!" You coughed. The coldness stared to come to you. Your cheeks turned rosy red from the coldness, your body started to shiver, and the excess amount of snow managed to slip in your parka.

"Stay still!" You closed your eyes and stood still. You could feel warm air around you as you started to feel warm again. It was soothing and enjoyable, but it stopped as you felt the cold air from the outside again. Opening your eyes you saw Lukas walking towards you.

"Terrifying and horrible experience, but fun." You commented with a playful scoff.

"I shouldn've left you to open the gate in the first place." He apologized with a sigh.

"Nah, it's okay. But this baby saved me even though it also caused the snow from the branches to fall on me." You smiled cheekily as he rolled his eyes.

"Idiot." You looked over his broad shoulders ignoring his comment and saw the fallen troll.

"Is it dead?"

"Ja, but there's another problem." He walked towards the troll.

"Huh?" You followed behind him as he casted a ball of light in his hands. The ball shone on one of the troll's heads to see a mark.

"It's a pet from those cultists?" You studied the mark. It's been burned on it's head from as far as you can tell, but there was a difference. The mark wasn't perfect as the one on the lamb. The mark looked almost smudged as if the troll moved while getting it.

"Must've been struggling while they placed it on him." Lukas made the mark glow. "This troll was only a mere child, about twenty or thirty years of age."

"Poor boy." You felt a ping of sympathy in your chest as Lukas knelt down and muttered something under his breath. He stood back up and walked passed you.

"Lets get going, we have another job to do." You turned back and walked away too.

But there was this strange feeling you had before you left. You felt like someone, or something, was watching you as you walked away. You felt a bit of paranoia in you, but shrugged it pff as soon as you looked around for anything suspicious. 
Then you tripped over an invisible rock.

"Oh for fuck's sake!" You cussed aloud as you looked back at the rock you tripped over on. But it wasn't a rock. You knitted your eyebrows together as you stood up and picked up the mysterious object you tripped on.

It was a black biker's helmet. Confused and curious, you studied the helmet and searched for the name of its owner. Inside you found the name and something more shocking.

"Umm... Bondevik?" You yelled as he looked back at you.

"What is it?"

"I think might know who's responsible for the troll here."

"What?" He jogged towards you as you cleaned the snow off the helmet to show the mark and name.

King of the North

"Impossible..." Lukas muttered.

"You know this guy?"

"My brother, but how? He'd never join a cult." He made the words and mark glow. "Must've been a doppler who did this."

"A doppler?" You tilted your head.

"A shapeshifter who can imitate anything perfectly by just using their clothes or studying their features."

"Now that's scary." You shivered.

"They're vulnerable to silver..." He studied the helmet more. "I can test my 'brother' to see if he's a doppler or not."

"By pointing silver at him?"

"No, by throwing a small silver dart." He answered a bit too serious.

"You're kidding me right?"

"Do I sound like I'm playing around?" He looked at you in the eye that made you shiver a bit from his cold glare.

"I'm not arguing." You raised your hands up in defeat as he walked back towards the car.

"Hurry." He ordered. "The sooner we leave, the sooner we'll gain his trail."

"Aye aye captain." You rolled your eyes and jogged towards him.

If your all wondering where I git the doppler from, it's from Witcher.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!
Auf Wiedershen for now!


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