Chapter 24: I Seriously Have No Idea What to Call this Chapter Again

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The chapter name should be a Fall Out Boy song.


"So there's an invisible mountain on top of a plateau???" The confusion stirred more as you kept on reading about Finnmarksvida.

It's been a few weeks since you both left his childhood home and his folks. Berwald still doesn't approve though. Meanwhile Lukas had a bit of a jealous scene at a point with Matthias. It made you laugh when you saw him acting so strange, even to himself and his own brother.

"Think of it as a fortess that houses the biggest trolls in the world." Lukas lifted the hood of the car up.

"I imagine an invisible tower that reaches the stars."


He grabbed the rag next to him and started to clean the engine. You on the other hand were reading several books at a time. You think of this as a cram school for new recruites and juniors who needed to advance quickly. Studying a bit of history there, reading about the origins and types of monsters over here, and learning about cures and medicinal procedures on magical accidents everywhere. There was just more than first-hand experience. You learned that there was more to fighting the myths.

A lot of things in the world shouldn't exist and a lot of things should've died a long time ago. Stories and tales that you've heard were in the very books he lent you. It never fails to amaze you how this was all taken away from the eyes of mortals. How the entities shielded their forms from the beings that used to live and walk amongst with. Sadness and understanding filled you. Not every myth is safe and not every story is completely true. Writers might've been biased or maybe took the event in a wrong way.

The whole universe may be full of truths and lies, but there's always that infinite source where none of them are lies or the truth. Answers will be answers and questions will be questions. It will stay that way as long as it can.

"So what's up with Finnmarksvida again?" You closed the book you were reading and placed it down on the backseat of the car.

"Well, I bet you know the Kirklands right?" A small little wisp of the cold air came oit of his mouth as he sighed.

"Yeah, I'm roommates with Alice." You rubbed your hands together and breathed out hot air into them.

"Her brother called me up and said that the fences that kept the trolls in are broken." He continued cleaning and fixing the engines. "And since the nearest veteran is me, I have to go up there."

"Where are the others anyway?" You climbed on top of the car's roof and jumped on the RV's.

"The main location of association's base is all the way in the Svalbard archiepelago, it's quiet up there and it's like a refuge for mythical creatures too." Lukas said it almost dreamily. "It's freezing there though. Too cold for my taste at times."

You could tell from his voice that he really admires the place. It was almost childlike amazement and awe. A rare thing to here from him, but you should get used to it. It made you smile and feel warm in the inside like a fuzzy teddy bear. Cute, cuddly, and innocent.

"It's secluded from the world and peaceful, even if the place was used for whaling back then." You sat on top of the RV, listening to him and instantly forgetting what you were supposed to do. "A whole island that's barely touched by humanity since then. Vast lands of ice and national parks that reserve the wildlife. There was this old abandoned mining shaft, somewhere farther from the settlements, where some trolls take refuge in and live down there like a community. Dragon nests are almost all around, but the biggest breeding site is somewhere on top of the mountains where you can ski. The waters aren't really safe for small boats or swimming alone."

The Troll Hunter《Norway x Reader》[✔]Where stories live. Discover now