Chapter 16: Well Fuck

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The both of you finally reached the destination and parker the car a few kilometers away.

The sun was still up and you had no idea what time it was. The whole sun thing was still new to you and time right now didn't matter. As long as the dark came, it means sleep for you. Unless you both are on the job.

You got out of the car with Lukas and helped him with the other stuff.

You were surprised to see a portable tanning bed in one of the boxes.

"Explain why we have a tanning bed." You looked at Lukas who knitted his eyebrows.

"I didn't-"

"Matthias." You both sighed and shook your heads.

You both knew who would've snuck that in anyways. The boxes he must've helped you with were some of the things he secretly snuck into the car.

You both checked the other boxes to see that some even had different equipment instead of the usual you both bring.

You opened one box that had cans of oil, Lukas opened another box to reveal firewood, and the last one had the rest of your equipment.

"He likes working with heavy stuff, I see..." You commented. "I am not carrying the tanning bed."

"Who says we'll be bringing it?" Lukas grabbed the other things.

You opened your backpack and prepared your camera and helmet.

"So," Lukas spoke all of a sudden." You used to date my brother."

"Yeah, for a year and a half I guess." You shrugged. "It's been seven years, if he came back then I'd just think of him as a friend."

"Then why was your face red when we encountered Mark?"

"What-" You stopped yourself and remembered your encounter with the huldrekall. "Oh..."

Nervousness filled your mind as you coughed. You averted your eyes away from his and pursed your lips. Then it hit you.

"A-Are you... Are you jealous or something?" You knitted your eyebrows and looked at him.

"No." He answered bluntly.

You rose your eyebrow at him and shrugged it off.

"Anyways, let's go."

"Go where?"

"We're camping."

He wasn't actually kidding about camping. You though you were just going to have a stakeout, but you both were really going to camp. You both were nearby the shore and setting up a tent.

The firewood Matthias snuck in was proven to be helpful. The other stuff? Not so much. The tanning bed? You might use that for warmth later.

You hung out by the fire to keep yourself warm while Lukas scouted along the shore to search for signs of the troll. You rubbed your hands together and blew in them. The wind by the shore made it even colder. Camping by the shore was okay, but camping by the shore during the winter? Bye. But you had to take the risks.

You stared at the dancing flames and thought about Lukas' words.

It's not like he likes me or anything. You poked the burning leaves into the fire with a stick. Maybe it's just a regular question. People ask those kinds of questions, right? How am I even studying journalism when I'm awkward?

You sighed and threw the burned stick away. You rested your cheek on your palm and thought about it. It was making you crazy. You think that it's only a question out of curiosity, but you have suspicions of it being something more than that.

The Troll Hunter《Norway x Reader》[✔]Where stories live. Discover now