Chapter 27: Trouble Trouble Troubleee

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You whistled softly. That was the only thing you did besides staring at a destroyed farm house.

Lukas explained that there was some troll activity that meant big disasters and he wasn't kidding. From the looks of the debris, that miraculously survived, the farm house was two-stories tall. The front and the back stood still lile cardboard props, but the middle was the star of the show. White and brown with a mix of red and yellow laid flat on the ground. White and brown from the structure itself, red from the blood of the animals inside, and yellow from the hay. What intrigued you the most were the footprints. You got to study them up close and personal. They were as big as an olympic swimming pool. They went all the way to the horizon where there were structures holding the power wires. Only one set of the powerlines were broken and the two towers that held them were crooked.

"Damn that's big." You rose your eybrows and pouted your lips.

The music blasting from the earphones that hung from the inside of your parka. Large portions of the lands were crushed you weren't so sure how the crops would grow. The depth of each step were at least four to five feet tall and can be made into makeshift ice rinks only water there could come out. Though the downside of the footprints were the droppings it left. A smell of a foot would've been okay, but this was way worse. Imagine going barefoot everywhere and not washing your foot for maybe like a year or two, that's how bad it smelled. Broken toe nails were even around. A large chunk, half of the nail on the big toe, was being used as a barrier between the fields and the village nearby.

You tucked in your mouth and nose into your sweater and cringed at the smell. To you, it smelled like an outhouse that hasn't been cleaned for three months. It's like shit not being cleaned out or some unconsiderate person just took a shat there without bothering to create a hole.

"Is this where he gets the troll stench?" You asked yourself and looked at Lukas who was still talking to the elderly couple.

You had to ask him later for that.

You dared to jump down into the pit and study the structure. In cartoons they's place like very flat surfaces rather than the realistic style where the print in like a bowl. The curve was not as clean as you thought, but it was there. Some of the earth had covered some of the parts overnight and there were smaller foot prints in the foot print. Pressumably the children of the giant trolls. You recalled the name Lukas said before talking to the couple.


Like from the word jötunn who were the ice giants in Norse mythology. Loki is half-jötunn. Maybe that's why Tom Hiddleston is so tall. And that's not just by Marvel facts, it's an actual thing in Norse mythology that Loki is part jötunn. That's why he can shapeshift... you guessed.

The land of the footprint was more like those pits in wars, just bigger and more vast. No gun fights or sounds of bombs. The print inside was like a little battlefield too. Some of the debris of the farm house got stuck. There were glass shards, half of a car door, several fences, tires, and a large pool that smelled bad.

You bent down near the pool of mysterious liquid and saw your reflection. The water was murky and a bit white, and it looked thick.

"I'd rather not touch that if I were you." You turned back and saw Lukas jumping down into the pit of the print. "That's where I get troll stench, it's like their sweat mixed with the smell of their feet."

"Aw, what?!" You immediately moved away from the small pool and retreated behind Lukas. "You get troll stench from that?"

He shrugged and grabbed the canteen on his waist and carefully scooped the stench without getting the stuff on him. He immediately closed the canteen tightly as you sighed in relief.

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