Chapter 31: The End of the Beginning

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The moment you woke up, you found yourself in the arms of the man you love; sleeping soundly as the rays of sunlight glared through the windows. It was perhaps past the afternoon or night, whatever the time is. The half-empty mugs of hot chocolates were now cold and slightly iced. You rubbed your eyes and looked outside to see miles and miles of snow in the way.

"Lukas, wake up." You gave him a gentle nudge. "We're going to see the jotnar ring today, remember?"

"Five more minutes." He groaned and pulled you closer to his warm body.

You let him be for a moment only to make him believe that you would let him, and then you began to pester him again. Lukas finally gave in and turned to you with him on all fours above you; his drowsy expression turning into something a bit more awake and somehow annoyed.

You tried to breathe, but you couldn't find the right pacing when your heart pounded like a hurricane banging at your door. The chills tickling down your spine danced like soft feathers against it. The marvelous lavender eyes he bore into your soul looked like it had more color; specs of magenta were visible up close. The stare of his quiet and gentle gaze was somehow grumpy at the same time. It strangely intimidated you, but at the same time made you feel a bit giddy.

Lukas moved his face closer to yours; his hot breath blowing gently against your lips; the gap between the both of you was as big as a pebble down the stream. You wanted to say something, but you quickly shut your lips as you weren't sure what to say. In a situation like this you didn't know what to do, heck you never thought you'd ever be this close to anyone; as far as you can tell, you were only up to hugs and kisses, this one is a different story.

His lips brushed lightly against yours. You looked into his eyes curiously to see what ever he saw; and in them was the reflection of your eyes. He has a question for you and so did you. You had the answer, but you didn't want it to go too far.

"A kiss," You whispered as you snaked your arms around his neck, "won't hurt."

You pulled him in and pressed his lips against yours gently. You felt like this should go further or you'll regret it, but another part says to stay where you are; don't get out of bounds fron the safezone just yet; but you feel like there was something bad about to happen. A gut feeling struck you hard and you kept on ignoring it while it keeps going on in your mind.

As Lukas' kisses barely distracted you from your thoughts, he sensed that something was wrong. He pulled away and looked at you worriedly. His hand cupped your cheek and rubbed his thumb across your cheek; asking you if something was wrong, but you shrugged it off.

"I-I..." You trailed off. "I want to, but-"

"Don't pressure yourself into it."

Lukas pushed a lock of your hair behind your ear and kissed your forehead. The small and simple gesture was enough just to make your stomach churn giddily. He respects you as you are and you respect him as he is, just that you both constantly bicker at a point.

"You don't have to force yourself, there's always time for everything."

You immediately pulled him into a tight embrace. He was a bit fazed by this until you said: "Don't leave me, please."

Lukas would never leave you, not even in a million years. There were never times he thought about leaving you. It would kill him to leave you by yourself in a world like this. There was this wound reopening within you and he couldn't let that go easily. Somehow he felt like it was his fault in the first place for letting you in, for letting you be fully aware of this world you've been seeing glimpses of; yet it would kill him to take that away from you when your eyes shine brighter than the sun whenever you learn something new about the world he lives in. Curiosity herself is such a beauty.

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