Chapter 3: Who Are You

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In the Great Hall most of the people are sitting down and staring at the Great Skylight which was this beautiful glass piece that has designs in it that you can only see in the sunlight and it just casts this beautiful light over the tables that gleam golden and it's just beautiful. But today it wasn't like that. It was this nasty green color. Everything was throwing off the worst color imaginable. What on earth is going on?!
Before I realized what I was doing, my feet carried me in the place thingy that's just for the society and it's a total mess! Is it always like this? I had to break down the door! Ugh. Okay I see someone who's laying on the floor unconscious. Hardly any heart beat. Man, what did I just see? I'm pretty sure I'm the first person in decades to see a man's heart to just stop beating. What would that even be called? He was as white as a ghost! Okay, no time for that. I walk in another room that's Gray and has one table, and 4 chairs; two on each side.
Then there was this mirror. A huge mirror that reflected me. I touched it with my finger and realized that it's not like my mirror at home. So I took a chair and threw it at the window and it busted into a thousand little sharp pieces. How did I know how to do that!? I climb through and this girl was staring at me with the widest and greenest eyes I have ever seen! She was tied to a chair with this sticky plastic stuff, she had something in her mouth and before I could say a word, she blurted out
"Who are you, and how did you find me." her voice was highly unsteady, and I wasn't sure if I should answer "I'll tell you that if, and only if, you tell me who you are and what happened here." I said. "And besides, with all due respect, I'm not the one strapped to the chair."
She glared at me, but the look of fear in her eyes was unmistakable.

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