Chapter 10: I Think I'm Sick

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"Okay dear, what do you remember?" Arlo took me to the room I woke up in and played some of my favorite music, I'm not sure why. But anyway I told him I remembered his eyes changing color then him fighting the thing with his bare hands and that he was bleeding because he burned his hands. He raised his sleeves and told me to tell him what I saw. "You have... Scratches all over your arms! But I have to look for them." And I stared, amazed that he was still alive. "You are absolutely who we are looking for. You have the Sight" Said Arlo. He was looking at me in awe because I could see the scratches on his arms.? "Okay honey, you're looking at me like I'm crazy. Allow me to explain. This is going to take a while. So go get a shower, eat some food, or talk to your mom. I'll be here to tell you anything and everything. Okay?" And I just nodded and walked out to take a shower. This time though, it took me an hour to take my shower. And I listened to music full blast. I'm sure everyone could hear it. Then I ate some breakfast. Is it even morning? Anyway I was in some clean pajamas no matter the time because my life is crazy right now, and it's probably going to get crazier. After breakfast, I walked in the room my mom was sitting in and sat down. I just stared at her. "You were unconscious for 3 days. It's morning here. Thought you'd want to know that because that's the first thing I asked when I woke up." I just looked at her and blinked a few times. Then she said "I'm sorry Jacqueline. I should have told you as soon as I saw you. And I didn't mean to faint. I'm weak. Go back and talk to Arlo. He'll tell you more. He is actually one of the Broken Society leaders. You and him are from the same line of descendants. It's weird. Your father and I weren't part of the line. Genetics here are messed up. Go. You must know." And she got up and left. So I crept back upstairs slowly. I'm scared of Arlo after what I saw. 'Deep breathes. In through the nose, out through the mouth' I kept telling myself. My nerves were shooting through the roof. "Here we go" I muttered to myself as I walked back into the bedroom. Arlo was sitting there staring at me and began to say something that sounded like 'blubble' but as he was talking my vision went black and my head had a stabbing pain in it.
I wake up in the same bed with the same room but this time I have a needle in my skin. Like an I.V. But the liquid isn't clear, or red. It's kinda purple and black. I didn't realize it but I was screaming because there was a burning sensation in my feet and legs. Arlo came rushing in taking the needle out and putting ice on my feet. He said it was night time and I just woke him but he wasn't wearing pajamas so I suspect he wasn't sleeping, if he even sleeps, whatever he is. He wouldn't let me out of bed this time, kept saying that if I got out of bed I'd pass out again.
"You're in shock and if you stand your body will give out again because it needs time to process this I.V.. Until you have been here for two days, you cannot get out of bed sweetie. And that's final." And when he said that, I suddenly had so many questions pop into my head I puked all over Arlo. He went to take a shower and told me to sleep till morning. Then he'd explain everything.
So I let the darkness take me away as it did so often in the last couple of days.

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