Chapter 6: Loki is King

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On Asgard, the warriors of three and Lady Sif went to report an urgent matter to Odin. But Odin wasn't on the throne, it was Loki. "My friends". He said honorably. "Where's Odin?", Fandral asked. "Father has fallen into the Odin Sleep, mother fears he may never awaken again" Loki explained. Sif asked "may we speak with her?" "Mother has refused to leave my father's bedside, you can bring your urgent matter to me". Loki stood. "Your king." He firmly stated. They kneeled. "My king, we would ask that you end Thor's banishment". Sif requested. "My first command cannot be to undo the Allfather's last. We're on a brink of war with Jotunheim, our people need a sense of continuity, in order to feel safe in these difficult times. All of us must stand together, for the good of Asgard." Loki explained as he was walking off the throne. Sif was mad at Loki. "Yes of course", Fandral whispered. "Good, then you will await for my word." Loki commanded. Volstagg spoke up, "If I may, beg the indulgence your majesty, to perhaps reconsider". "We're done!" Loki yelled resolutely. They all got up from kneeling. Sif gave Loki an evil stare and they walked out of there.

I heard every word. "Did you have to be so hard on them?" I said walking from behind the pillar. Loki turned swiftly towards me. "You've been here all this time?" Loki questioned. "Yes", I smirked. "I suspect you would do the same thing if you were queen". Loki said with a cheeky grin. "Is that supposed to mean something, my king?" I teased. Loki blushed, "No, no, no, no, no that's not what I meant". He said with embarassment. I giggled, "Relax Loki, I'm just teasing." He smiled. "Well, I've become weary, I'm going to go rest. May I?" I asked smiling. Loki nodded, "Of course".

Loki and his mother Frigga were beside Odin in his chambers. "I never get used to seeing him like this". Loki whispered. Frigga responded "He's put it off for so long now and that I fear." "How long will it last?" Loki asked. "I don't know, this time it's different, we were unprepared." Frigga whispered. "So why did he lie?" Loki asked firmly. "He kept the truth from you so you will never feel different. You are our son Loki and we're your family, we musn't lose hope that your father will return to us, and your brother". Frigga explained with sincerity. Loki responded to Frigga "What hope is there for Thor?" "There is always a purpose for everything your father does." Frigga whispered.

I was fast asleep in my temporary chambers, Loki came in to check on me. He was very silent he didn't want to wake me. He stood by me and sat on the edge of the bed trying not to wake me. But unfortunately, he woke me. "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you". He said authentically. "No, it's fine Loki." I smiled trying to open my eyes. "I just want to say, you look beautiful when your asleep", Loki said with a smile. I was blushing. "Shutup", I said with sarcasm. "No, I'm speaking truthfully." He said gazing into my eyes. I smiled. "Well, I might aswell get up." Loki sighed to himself. "I haven't been very gracious to you, maiden." He said as I was getting up. "It's okay Loki, I understand. I wouldn't expect you to be kind to a mortal." I assumed. "You know Loki, you're not as I thought you were." "What do you mean?" He asked. "I don't know but it's something about you." Just as I was about to walk out the room, Loki grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him. I was kind of scared but part of me wasn't. He gently stroked my cheek with his cold hand and he leaned in and kissed me. My heart was racing, I had to go along with it. I wrapped my hands around his neck and he grabbed my waist. The kiss was so passionate. We both stopped he looked at me and smiled. "I've grown very fond of you Athena". I couldn't believe that just happened. I knew what he was thinking, I can read his thoughts. He wanted me to be his. I smiled and nodded, and I walked out the room.

I still could not believe that just happened, I kept saying to myself. 'Did the God of Mischief just kiss me, a mortal?' Well it's in his nature right, being mischievous. I never thought the day would come that I, a mortal, would date a god. I never thought it was possible. Until now.

I went into Odin's chambers to see how he was. Frigga was still by his side. "How is he?" I whispered. "It's worse than he ever was." She replied with upset. "Well my queen, I wish him the best". I said graciously. "Thankyou Athena." Frigga smiled.

Loki was leaning against the door with his arms crossed, smirking at me. I saw him and I smiled at the ground and then looked up at him. Loki lifted my chin and said "We shall continue what we started later" and kissed me softly. He strutted away and I walked off feeling loved.

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