Chapter 2: Jotunheim

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Thor was in severe anger, he flipped the dining table in rage. Loki came from behind the pillar silently. "You're unwise to be in my company right now brother". "This, was to be my day of triumph". Thor said with deep anger. Loki replied "It'll come, in time." I was standing from across the room, watching them. I knew Loki hated me but I had to see if Thor was okay. Thor saw me. "Athena", he said sounding suprised and walked towards me. Loki saw me also, he didn't look very happy to see me, that's a change from the look he gave me earlier. "What are you still doing here?" Loki growled. "Who says I have to leave?" I smirked. "You heard what I said before". He growled again. "Doesn't mean I have to obey". "I AM A GOD!" Loki boomed. "Loki! Calm yourself. She doesn't have to leave... yet". Thor yelled. There was a silence for a moment, Loki looked at me and then back at Thor. "Fine" he whispered.

"What happened back there Thor?" I asked desperately. "Frost Giants, they tried to steal the Casket, but don't worry, they failed." Doors opened, the warriors of three entered; Volstagg, Hogun and Fandral. Also lady Sif. "Who's the young maiden?" Sif asked "This is Athena, she will be staying in Asgard for the time being." Thor said with a smile.

"If it's any consolation, I think you're right, about the frost giants, about Laufey, about everything." Loki compromised to Thor. "If they found a way to penetrate Asgard's defences once, who's to say they won't try again - next time with an army." He added. "Exactly!" Thor bellowed. "There's nothing you can do without defying father." Loki told Thor. Thor gave him a look. "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no I know that look." "It's the only way to ensure the safety of our borders". Thor bellowed again. "Thor it's madness". Loki stated. I agreed with Loki. Volstagg spoke up, "Madness? What sort of Madness?" Thor answered "We're going to Jotunheim". Fandral also spoke up "What? This isn't like a journey to earth where you summon a little lightning and thunder and the mortals will worship you as a god. This is Jotunheim." "My father, fought his way to Jotunheim, defeated their armies and took their Casket". Thor said proudly as Loki face palmed. "We will be just looking for answers." Thor added. "It is forbidden!" Sif raised her voice. Thor with his arrogance convinced and forced them to go to Jotunheim.

"Athena, stay here where you will be safe", Thor said with plead. "No, I'm coming with you, just because I'm a mortal, doesn't mean I'm weak and pathetic". Loki raised his eyebrow. "You show courage". Thor smiled. "I don't want to brag, but I'm quite strong for a mortal." I said with a smirk. "I'll be fine", I added. "My friends, we're going to Jotunheim". Thor seemed very confident.

We rode our horses across the Rainbow bridge to the Bifrost where Heimdall, the gatekeeper stands. "Leave this to me", Loki smirked. "Good Heimdall..." "You address warmly enough", Heimdall interrupted. "I'm sorry?" Loki asked confused. "You think you can decieve me", Heimdall had a very deep voice. "You must be mistaken..." "Enough!" Thor stopped Loki. "Heimdall may we pass", Thor asked strictly. "Never has an enemy slipped my watch until this day. I wish to know how that happened." "Then tell no one where we have gone until we've returned, understand?" Thor demanded. Volstagg commented to Loki, "what happened? Silver tongue turn to led?" Everyone giggled. I did aswell. We walked threw to the entry way, Heimdall was opening the Bifrost. "You will be warned, I will honour my sworn oath to protect this realm as it's gatekeeper, if your return threatens the safety of Asgard, Bifrost will remain closed and you'll be left to die in the cold wastes of Jotunheim". Heimdall stated. I was kind of nervous when he said that. "Couldn't you just leave the bridge open for us?" Volstagg asked. "Leaving the bridge open will unleash the full power of Bifrost and destroy Jotunheim with you upon it." Heimdall answered. "Thor laughed, "I have no plans to die today". We were transported into Jotunheim it was so cold but I could bare it. We were all wandering in the cold, looking for answers. A deep voice spoke, "You've come a long way to die Asgardians". "I am Thor Odinson". "We know who you are". "How did your people get into Asgard?" Thor bellowed. Blood red eyes were staring at us. "The house of Odin is full of traitors". I got kind of angry when he said that. "Do not dishonour my father's name with your lies!" Thor yelled. "You're nothing but a boy, trying to prove himself a man. " This boy, has grown tired of your mockery". "Thor, stop and think, look around you, we're out numbered." Loki stated. "Know your place brother". "Thor, Loki's right", I spoke up. "Go now while I still allow it". The deep voice rumbled. "We will accept your most gracious offer" Loki answered. "Come on Thor, let's go" I asked getting annoyed of his arrogance.

"Run back home little princess". "Damn" Thor smacked the frost giant sending him flying. It was war. Everyone was attacking. Frost giants were surrounding me but, they were no match for me. I took them all out. Loki saw me and my moves and he was impressed. He got distracted and a frost giant went to attack, it grabbed his arm, but, it didn't burn him, Loki's arm turned blue. His eyes widened in shock. I was too. Fandral was injured, it was getting to much, we were all going to die if we didn't leave now. "WE MUST GO!" Loki yelled. We were surrounded, just before we were going to die, Odin had come. He saved us from any more damage.

We got back to Asgard, Thor and Odin were arguing with eachother while Loki and I were standing, out of the way and the others took Fandral to the Healing room. Thor has shown he is not worthy and that he is wreckless with his actions. So Odin, took his powers away and banished him to Earth. I could see Loki was upset. So was everyone else.

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