Chapter 8: We Must Find Thor Before It's Too Late

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"Our dearest friend banished, Loki on the throne and Asgard on the brink of war yet you've managed to consume four wild boar, six pheasant, a side of beef and two casks of ale; shame on you, DON'T YOU CARE!" Fandral exclaimed, knocking the platter out of Volstagg's hand. "DO NOT MISTAKE MY APPETITE FOR APATHY!" Volstagg boomed. "STOP IT, BOTH OF YOU!" Sif yelled pulling them away from eachother.

I came marching into the room to Sif and the Warriors Three looking worried. Sif looked at me concerned, "Athena, what's happened?" she asked. "We must find Thor now." I said anxiously. They all looked at me with apprehension. "What's going on?" Fandral asked. "It's Loki, he's made an offer with Laufey. Asgard is in danger. If we don't find Thor now, all will be lost." I explained with anxiety. "It's treason", Fandral stated. "Thor would do the same for us" Sif said turning to Fandral. "Well, you and him are together, why didn't you tell him to stop?" Fandral asked me with slight tension. "I did tell him but it made no difference so we must go." I answered raising my voice slightly. "Shoosh, Heimdall might be watching". Volstagg whispered with disquiet. The doors opened which startled us. A guard marched in. "Heimdall demands your presence". We all were silent for a moment. "We're doomed", Volstagg broke the silence. We all went to the conservatory where Heimdall asked for our presence. "You would defy the commands of Loki our king, break every oath that you have taken as warriors and commit treason to bring Thor back?" Heimdall asked firmly. "Yes". Sif stated. "Good", Heimdall said walking out. "So you'll help us?" Sif asked. "I am bound by honour to our king, I cannot open the bridge to you". Heimdall explained. "Complicated fellow isn't he?" Fandral stated. I giggled silently. We heard shocking noises behind us. "Look" I said with suprise. "Let's go", Sif ordered.

We arrived on Earth, we went to search for Thor immediately, there was no time to waste. Meanwhile, Loki entered the weapons vault and he summoned The Destroyer. That's the giant, metal figure I saw in my vision. It was starting to make sense now. "Make sure my brother does not return, destroy everything", Loki mandated. I was getting really anxious, I can't believe Loki is doing this. But I'm not giving up, I will do everything it takes to save this realm. The Warriors, Sif and I were walking through the town searching. I got a big headache again and fell to the ground. "Athena, what's happening now!" Sif asked with concern. ".....Loki has sent The Destroyer.... It's coming. We must hurry!" I said in pain. We all searched at a faster pace. Finally, we saw Thor. "Found You!" Volstagg said with excitement. Thor double-took, he was shocked to see us. "MY FRIENDS!" Thor yelled with joy. "I don't believe it" Selvig said with disbelief. "Oh excuse me, Lady Sif and the Warriors Three, oh and Athena". Volstagg said with a kind greeting. "Athena" Thor saw me and gave me a hug. "My friends, I have never been happier to see anyone" We all smiled. "But you should not have come". Thor added. "We're here to take you home" Fandral alleged. "You know I can't go home, my father is... dead because of me and I must remain in exhile." Thor said with upset. Sif looked with suprise. "Thor, your father still lives." Thor looked shocked. "Yes, but not for long." I said with worry. "What do you mean Athena?" Thor asked. "Asgard is in danger Thor; and Odin, Loki has made an offer with Laufey and he's sent The Destroyer on it's way here to kill you." I explained. "I tried to stop him even though he said he loves me he still wouldn't listen." I explained. "Wait, Love? You and..." Thor said looking flabbergasted. I nodded "Yes Thor, we're together, don't make a big deal out of it, now come home."

Back In Asgard: "Tell me Loki, how did you get the Jotuns into Asgard?" Heimdall asked. "You think the Bifrost is the only way in and out of this realm. There are secret paths between the worlds to which even you with all your gifts are blind. But I have need of them no longer now that I am king and I say for your act of treason, you are relieved of your duties as gatekeeper and no longer citizen of Asgard." Loki firmly stated with anger. "Then I need no longer obey you". Heimdall explained. Just before Heimdall would slice Loki apart, Loki changed into his true self and froze Heimdall where he stands. And what I mean by 'his true self' I mean a Frost Giant.

S.H.I.E.L.D were identifying the Bifrost opening. Something was entering Earth. "It's here" I said with anxiety. It started to destroy everything. "Jane, you have to leave", Thor ordered. "What are you going to do?" Jane asked. "I'm staying here". "Thor's going to fight with us", Volstagg said with excitement. "My friends, I am just a man. I'll only be in the way, or worse, get one of you killed. But I can help get these people to safety." Thor explained. "Well if your staying then so will I." Jane stated. "I will help Thor aswell, I'm not a warrior but I can protect everyone else". I said with courage. The Warriors nodded. We were escorting people to safety as The Destroyer was destroying everything. I needed a way to stop Loki before all is lost.

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