Chapter 9: The Battle With The Destroyer

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Thor and I were helping everyone out of the town to safety. "So, you and Loki huh?" Thor smirked. "Yes Thor. I don't know what has happened to Loki, I feel like I've been betrayed by him." I said starting to get emotional. "Don't worry Athena, even though you are a mortal, you are strong, we can save this realm and hopefully stop Loki, we just need to pull through a little longer." Thor said comforting me. I smiled. We carried on helping.

Volstagg, Hogun and Fandral were trying to stop The Destroyer. Fandral and Hogun launched Volstagg towards it but he failed. Volstagg got knocked down. Just before it was going to vandalize Volstagg, Sif thrusted her sword through it, leaving it unconscious. But it wasn't over, The Destroyer wasn't defeated yet. It nearly obliterated Sif but it only knocked her to the ground and it carried on destroying everything.

"Go, now, run!" Thor commanded the mortals. Sif hid behind a car with Thor running to her. "Sif, you've done all you can". Thor said comforting her. "No I will die a warrior's death, stories will be told of this day." Sif said panting. "Live and tell those stories yourself" Thor said holding her cheek. "Now go!" He added. "We must return to Asgard". Thor said running to the Warriors Three. "I have to stop Loki", he added. "What about you?" Fandral asked. "Don't worry my friends, I have a plan." Thor smiled. "Thor I'm coming with you", I stated. "No Athena, you must stay". "No, I can help stop Loki, I am much part of this as you are." I stated. "Okay", he smiled. So Thor and I were walking towards The Destroyer which Loki was controlling. "Wait, what are they doing?" Jane said with worry.

"Brother, whatever I have done to wrong you, whatever I have done to lead you into doing this, I am truly sorry. But these people are innocent, taking their lives will gain you nothing. So take mine and end this." Thor explained subtly. "Please Loki, stop this now, I agree with Thor and if you love me, you will listen." I added with plead. The Destroyer rejected it's attack. Thor smiled slightly. It turned away but, it back handed Thor powerfully, knocking him off the ground. I was shocked. "No!" Jane screamed running to him. Thor was severly injured it looked like he wouldn't survive. Jane ran by his side. "It's over", Thor whispered. "No, it's not over." Jane said with upset. "I mean, you're safe... it's over", he added. Thor wasn't moving, he was silent, his life was gone. Jane was shattered, so was everyone else. Jane was crying heavily, I ran by her side to comfort her. The Destroyer walked away with accomplishment.

It was a sad moment but we all saw something flying rapidly through the sky towards us. "Jane!" Eric yelled pulling her away from Thor. It was Mjolnir. I ran aswell, it was coming fast. Thor raised his arm to claim it and it was gaining his powers back. Lightning was everywhere. The Destroyer turned around. "Oh, my, god" Jane said looking stunned. Thor was battling The Destroyer now that he has his powers back. As always, he won. "So is this how you normally look?" Jane asked. "More than the less" He answered. "It's a good look", she said eyeballing him.

"We must go to the Bifrost site, I will have words with my brother", Thor proclaimed. "Excuse me!" a voice yelled in the distance. It was Phil Coulsen. "Donald? I don't think you've been completely honest me", he said. Donald is Thor's fake name. "Know this son of Coul, you and I fight for the same cause, the protection of this world, from this day forward you can count me as your allie, if, you return the items you have taken from Jane." Thor said nobley. "Stolen", Jane said annoyed. "Borrowed, of course you can have your equipment back, you're gonna need it to continue your research." Phil said leaving Jane in relief. "Would you like to see the bridge we spoke of?" Thor asked Jane with a smile. "Ugh sure" she smiled back. Thor pulled Jane into him and he flew her to the Bifrost site.

Loki opened the bridge for the Jotuns. "Welcome to Asgard" He said with a cheeky grin. We all arrived at the Bifrost site. "Heimdall open the Bifrost", Thor ordered looking up. But Heimdall was still frozen. "He doesn't answer", Thor said with confusion. "Then we are stranded", Hogun proclaimed. Thor asked again, Heimdall could hear but he was trying to escape the ice. He finally did, he attacked the frost giants that were by his side and opened the Bifrost but he has become weak. Thor pulled Jane towards him, "I must go back to Asgard, but I give you my word, I will return for you." He kissed her hand. "Deal?" Then Jane kissed him hard. "Deal", she added. We finally made it back to Asgard. I was getting worried about what will happen. But I will do whatever it takes to save Asgard, and I will be by Thor's side stopping Loki. I love him and I don't want to hurt him but he must be stopped before further damage is done.

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