Chapter 10: Stopping Loki - Part 1

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"Get him to the healing room!" Thor ordered. "Leave my brother to me". He added. I went with Thor. The frost giants entered Odin's Chambers, Frigga was there by his side, she took Odin's sword and attacked one of them. But Laufey knocked Frigga to the ground and carried on to kill Odin.

"Are you ready?" Thor asked me. "As I'll ever be", I answered with slight worry. So Thor picked me up and he flew us to stop Loki.

"It's said, you can still hear and see what transpires around you, I hope it's true, so that you may know, your death came at the hands, of Laufey". Just before Laufey was about to kill Odin, a laser hit him, making him fall to the ground. It was Loki. "And your death came with the son of Odin". Loki said with a stern look on his face. Loki zapped Laufey again with his sceptere, leaving Laufey no more. "Loki, you saved him", Frigga said running to Loki with a hug. "I swear to you mother, that they will pay for what they've done today", Loki alleged. We made it to Odin's Chambers, "Loki!" Thor yelled. Loki and Frigga swiftly turned their heads towards us. "Thor!" Frigga said looking happy to see him. "I knew you'd return to us" she added hugging him. Frigga saw me, "Welcome back Athena." I smiled and nodded. Loki saw me and he was happy to see me. But I felt broken inside, I was happy to see him an I was tempted to run up to him and kiss him, but I had to hold it back for now. "Why don't you tell them? How you sent The Destroyer to kill our friends, to kill me!" Thor said sounding furious at Loki. "What?" Frigga looked suprised. "Oh I must've been forcing father's last command". "You're a talented liar brother, always have been", Thor answered not believing a word he says. "It's good to have you back. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to destroy Jotunheim." Loki said zapping Thor through and out the building. Before Loki went to destroy Jotunheim, he came to me first.

I was getting teary. "Please don't cry Athena." Loki said wiping away a tear off my face. "Loki, please stop, you don't have to do this." I said trying to plead him. "Whatever has been said, I'm not going to be forced to stop but know this Athena, I would never EVER hurt you." He said with a sincere look in his eyes. "I love you", he whispered. And he kissed me, I've been waiting for that. He marched off riding his horse to the Bifrost. I ran as fast as I could across the bridge to the Bifrost. Loki has summoned the power and is destroying Jotunheim. Thor arrived. "You can't stop it, the Bifrost will build until it rips Jotunheim apart!" Loki yelled intimidatingly. Thor went to attack it but Loki zapped him and he fell to the ground. I made it to the Bifrost. I helped Thor up. "Why have you done this?" Thor asked Loki. "To prove to father that I am a worthy son, when he wakes I will have saved his life. I will have destroyed that race of monsters and I will be true heir to the throne!". Loki answered tensly. "You can't kill an entire race." "Why not?" Loki grinned. "And what is this newfound love for frost giants. You, could've killed them all with your bare hands." Loki said with a cheeky grin. "I've changed" Thor stated. "So have I" Loki whacked him in the face with his sceptere. "Now fight me" He whacked him harder which forced Thor to fall to the ground. "Loki!" I yelled starting to cry. "I never wanted the throne! I only ever wanted to be your equal." Loki yelled at Thor. "I WILL NOT FIGHT YOU BROTHER!" Thor yelled at Loki. "I'm not your brother. I never was." Loki said looking upset. "Loki this is madness" Thor stated. "Is it madness? Is it? IS It?! Come on, what happened to you on Earth that turned you so soft, DON'T TELL ME IT WAS THAT WOMAN!" Loki was getting angry and upset. "Oh, it was, well maybe, when we're finished here, I'll pay her a visit myself!" Loki threatened. Thor got mad so they both began fighting. I didn't want to get hurt so I tried staying out of the way. But I wanted to stop them. This was getting out of hand.

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