chapter 3

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"Alright, time to pick teams." Rosebud said once they were in the backyard.

"Boys against girls!" B-Dawg challenged.

"That's not fair!" Rosebud snarled at him.

"Don't worry, Rose, I'll be on your team." Patch soothed.

"Yay!" Rosebud cheered.

"But, we have to make it fair for both sides having the same amount of team members." Patch told them.

Patch went next to Rosebud. MudBud decided to have his own team with B-Dawg and Budderball. Buddha joined the others and came to Patch's and Rosebud's team.

"Alright, let's play!" Rosebud called, setting her ball in the center of the yard.

"Yep and everyone remembers the rules, right?" Patch asked.

"Of course we do, let's get some play jammin' up in here!" B-Dawg called.

"And GO!" Rosebud called.

The puppies and Patch then started to play their game, using flowerbeds as goals. The game was a lot of fun for both the Buddies and Patch and where he made sure that he didn't use his full strength, so then it would be fair for the pups. Buddy and Molly smiled fondly as they watched their children at play with their new mentor. And where it seemed like the Buddies were almost competing against each other. Luckily, nothing too serious, it was sports competition.

After a while, the game was over with Rosebud, Buddha, and Patch being the winning team.

"Phew... I love a good work out..." Buddha felt relaxed.

Rosebud yawned and stretched. "Great game, guys."

"Yeah, it sure was." Budderball said.

"Thanks for playing with us, Mr. Patch." MudBud smiled as he relaxed into the dirt, getting filthy yet again.

"You can all just call me Patch." the Dalmatian said.

"Okay, Patch." MudBud then said as he shook himself, making his siblings flinch in slight disgust.

"We hope you come over again soon, Noah and Dad have a basketball game coming up." Buddha informed.

"Of course I'm gonna come over again." Patch said.

The Buddies smiled to that, really looking forward to it.

"But I bet you five will be happy to have your own owners to play with and have something in common." Patch said.

"Have our own owners?" Rosebud asked.

"Well, yeah, you're gonna have to leave your home sometime." Patch explained.

"You mean we can't live with Mom and Dad forever?" Budderball didn't like the sound of this at all.

"Of course not, because you need to expand from the house that you've been living in for practically your lives." Patch said.

The Buddies looked sad then.

"Hey now, it's not so bad," Patch soothed them. "I had 98 brothers and sisters, I miss them all a lot, but we call each other all the time."

"How?" Rosebud asked.

"Oh, that's easy, the Twilight Bark." Patch smiled.

"The what?" The Buddies asked.

Patch sighed to himself, mumbling slightly. "Kids these days... The Twilight Bark, it's kind of like our version of the telephone." he then informed them.

"Ooohhh..." the Buddies now understood.

"I'll show it to you sometime, it's always at night since that's when we have more free time, my parents used to do it whenever Roger and Anita walked them," Patch explained. "That's also how we all got reunited when Cruella DeVil, Horace, and Jasper got us."

"Was that the time when they kidnapped you and your brothers and sisters?" Budderball asked.

"Oh, yes..." Patch nodded. "I'll never forget that..."

"It sounds so scary." Rosebud said to him.

"It really was, I was just worried we'd never see Mom and Dad again." Patch explained.

"But you did see them again." MudBud said.

"Oh, definitely, it was just a really scary experience, I hope none of you have to go through that." Patch smiled to them.

"I hope so too." Rosebud said.

Patch smiled and hugged them all. "You're all so wonderful..."

"I wanna go on an adventure!" B-Dawg spoke up. "It sounds dope, yo!"

"Well, it can be exciting, but it can also be life-threatening and an experience that you will never ever forget for as long as you live." Patch warned.

The Buddies smiled, they still liked the sound of it. Patch smiled back to them.

"Um, before you go, maybe you could tell us one?" Budderball asked.

"Well, alright, I guess one couldn't hurt." Patch said.

"Yay!" The Buddies cheered and gathered around him.

"Just one for now and I'll tell you more until another time." Patch said to them before thinking of possible adventures to tell them about. He listed some suggestions for them to hear.

"The one with the Blue Monkey diamond." Rosebud suggested.

"Oh, that's a good one." Patch chuckled.

The Buddies then sat close to him, eager to hear about this adventure and with the Looney Tunes no less! The Buddies hung onto every word that was said as Patch told them of the adventure and where they laughed as soon as he told them that the villain was turned into a monkey.

"Tell me about it," Patch laughed with them once he got to the ending. "I still don't get why he would want the world to be turned into monkeys. And I thought Cruella had problems with her motivation!"

"I think that guy was crazier than her." Budderball said.

"Oh, I dunno..." Patch chuckled, he then looked at the sky. "I should probably get home for a little while..."

"Awww..." the Buddies groaned.

"There, there, there's always tomorrow." Patch said to them with a smile.

"Yeah." The Buddies said.

"I promise, I'll come back..." Patch said to them with a sincere smile. "Be good now."

The Buddies said goodbye to him as he went off.

"That was so much fun!" Budderball laughed.

"Yeah, he's so cool!" B-Dawg added.

"I hope he comes back soon..." Rosebud smiled.

"Me too, that dude is cool." MudBud said.

"He seems to be one with nature just as well as himself." Buddha added.

"I hope that someday we get to go on adventures like Patch does." Budderball said, excitedly.

"I hope so too..." Mudbud laughed.

Patch got himself back home and stretched a little with a small yawn.

"How were the Buddies?" Darla asked as she was relaxing on the couch with a book in her hands.

"I would like to tell you, but I'm exhausted." Patch said.

"Yeah, puppies have a lot of energy..." Darla shrugged and flipped her page. "Glad you got to have fun though."

"I'm glad too." Patch said, going upstairs.

Darla smiled and went back to her book.

Patch and the Air BuddiesWhere stories live. Discover now