chapter 18

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It was starting to get dark again as they came further and further to their new temporary home.

"Are we there yet?" Budderball asked.

"Almost, not too much further now." the wolf promised.

"That's good to know, the sooner we get there the better, we have been walking all day." Colette said.

It wasn't too dark now, but they had finally made it to their new shelter for the night.

"Where's the food?" Budderball moaned.

"Um, excuse me, Mister....?" Colette asked, not knowing the wolf's name.

"You can just call me 'Alpha'." the wolf replied.

"Okay, um, Alpha, where do you keep your food?" Colette asked.

"Yeah, where are the cheese snacks?" Budderball added.

"I'll go get some, you better stay here, I'm best to hunt alone." Alpha replied, going into the forest, leaving the Buddies with Patch and Colette for protection and support.

"Well this is a nice place and is the closest place to stay as we'll ever get to." Rosebud said.

Alpha nodded to them and went to find them food.

"Patch, I'm sorry we ran away from home," B-Dawg spoke up. "We just didn't wanna be away from each other."

"And look at what's happened!" MudBud frowned, feeling guilty for this for ever happening.

"Hey, hey, it's okay, Buddies, I understand you don't want to be separated from each other, but remember the Twilight Bark and I'm sure that there is another way to tell the other that you miss the other." Patch said.

"We know, but we were just being selfish, we're really sorry." Rosebud pouted.

"There, there, it's okay..." Colette soothed. "I know this is a big change for everyone and it's a little scary, but don't worry... Every dog goes through this and you will actually learn to like it."

"That's easy for you to say, you and Patch still live with your families." MudBud spoke up.

"Actually, my family is also spread out, I visit them whenever I have the chance." Patch said.

"Really?" Rosebud asked. "We thought that was just a story."

"Nope, it's the truth, and that movie it showed everything that happened on that faithful day." Patch said.

"Wow, dude, that is so cool!" Mudbud cheered. "For you and your family to have your very own movie."

Patch smiled. "I'm sure another one isn't too far away."

Colette smiled fondly, this was such a nice scene.

"Wow, you mean it'll show a movie of you and your kid met?" Budderball asked, somehow more interested in Patch's story than eating.

"Maybe someday..." Patch shrugged with a smile. "Who knows?"

"Aww! Come on, Patch, won't you tell us, please?" The Buddies begged, using their puppy dog eyes trick, hoping to find out from Patch himself.

Patch tried as hard as he could, but he knew that he couldn't say no to the puppy dog eyes.

"I think you ought to tell them." Colette giggled to her mate teasingly.

"I think you're right, because if I don't, then they might...." Patch said before the Buddies began to tickle him. "No, no, please stop, I'm ticklish."

Patch and the Air BuddiesWhere stories live. Discover now