chapter 6

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The Buddies were joined together in their basket as they weren't playing a sport for a change and they were playing their own adventure to be just like Patch. They were pretending their basket was a spaceship and they were astronauts.

"Hello, my little adventurers." Patch chuckled once he saw what they were doing.

"Patch!" The Buddies called and rushed to see him, leaving their basket.

"How are my little adventurers doing?" Patch asked.

"Did you bring any food?" Budderball asked. "I haven't eaten since breakfast!"

"We're fine, yo!" B-Dawg replied.

"Just serene as always." Buddha finished with a pleasant and very zen smile.

"That's good to know and no, Budderball, I didn't bring any food." Patch said.

"Aww..." Budderball frowned.

"We were just about to go to space!" MudBud piped up. "Wanna come with us?"

"Sure." Patch answered.

"I'm driving, ladies first!" Rosebud said to her brothers as she went back to the basket.

"One at a time, one at a time, no pushing." Patch told the golden retriever puppies.

The Buddies tried to go in a more organized way in the way Patch taught them, but still pushed. Just not as much as before.

"Close enough..." Patch sighed, but smiled to them.

"Come on, Patch, there's plenty of room in here for you." Budderball said.

"I'll try, I haven't had a puppy bed in ages..." Patch came behind them and tried to join them, there was enough room, but still, not the first option he would have to sleep in.

"Blast Off!" Rosebud called, squeaking one of their rubber toys to be like a spaceship button.

All six of them began to use their imagination.

"Captain's Dog..." MudBud narrated like in an episode of Star Trek. "We venture off to the world's most desired: The Planet of the Dogs. Where there are fire hydrants everywhere, dogs can go to school, and there's plenty of bones for everyone!"

"And where everyone is incredibly strong." Patch added in.

"And we must find the meaning of life!" Rosebud spoke up.

"What is the meaning of life?" B-Dawg asked.

"Extra biscuits?" Budderball guessed.

"Family and friends." Patch said.

"Some people believe that." Buddha agreed with Patch.

"And here we go!" Rosebud called.

They all then left the basket and pretended the bedroom was an alien space sight.

"What a fascinating place." Patch said, using his imagination.

"Just watch out for aliens," Rosebud cautioned. "They bleed acid."

"Noted." Patch said.

The Buddies continued to look around. Patch sighed, he loved to see them at play and he had to break the news to them. He decided to wait until a little after the game so that way, they wouldn't want to stop right away or just try to run away. The game was a lot of fun and where it seemed as though that they never wanted it to end, but unfortunately, it did end, telling Patch that it was time for him to break the news to them.

The Buddies lay down next to each other after they finished their little game.

"And once again, they day was saved by the Air Buddies." MudBud narrated.

"That was a great game." Rosebud said.

"Yeah, but, um, Buddies, I have something to tell you." Patch said.

B-Dawg got up, yawning and stretching.

"What is it, Patch?" Buddha asked.

"Um, well, it's about, uh, you five remember when I told you about when you five need your own owners?" Patch asked.

"Yeah...?" the Buddies looked to him.

"But that's not for a real, real, real long time!" MudBud replied. "...Right?"

"Um, well, not exactly, you see, your parents and I talked and well, it's time that you five find your owners." Patch told them.

"Now?" Budderball sounded a little heartbroken. "But... This is our home!"

"I know, but every pet has to go through this," Patch told them. "Don't think of this as a bad thing though, you'll all get to make new friends and have adventures of your own."

"I guess that's a good side." Rosebud sighed.

"Come now, we all have to go through it..." Patch said to them. "I promise, this is going to be good for all of you."

"But... What if we never see you again?" MudBud frowned.

"You kidding? Of course you'll all see me." Patch assured them.

"I dunno, those are pretty low odds..." Buddha wasn't so sure.

"I don't want to leave Mom and Daddy!" Rosebud whined.

"Neither do I, it's not fair." Budderball said.

"Now come on, guys..." Patch tried to make them understand. "This is your destiny."

"Fine." The Buddies sighed.

"It's going to be okay," Patch smiled to them. "Have I ever steered you wrong?"

"No." the Buddies said.

"Then trust me on this, okay?" Patch smiled to them. "I believe in all of you and you're wonderful puppies. Besides, you might get adopted by someone who'll grow up and love you for the rest of their life."

"Okay." the Buddies said.

"Just trust me," Patch repeated. "I mean, I was adopted when I was your age, but did I let that stop me?"

"No." the Buddies said.

"Exactly, it'll be okay..." Patch patted them each on the head.

The Buddies looked to each other, still unsure, but gave small smiles to him.

"Glad that you all understand now." Patch smiled.

The Buddies smiled to him.

Patch smiled back. "I'll be right back..." he said to them, then wandered off.

As soon as he was gone, the Buddies frowned.

"We can't get adopted, not like this, yo!" B-Dawg pouted.

"I agree, dude, but what can we do?" MudBud asked.

"I suggest we think this over in the kitchen." Budderball suggested.

"Seriously, Budderball?" Rosebud asked.

"I'm hungry." Budderball pouted.

"You're always hungry!" MudBud, B-Dawg, Buddha, and Rosebud retorted.

"Well, I can't help it!" Budderball whined.

"Listen, dudes and dudette, we can't let them adopt us to different people." MudBud said.

"MudBud's right, we are family!" Rosebud agreed.

"So we'll need to show Mom and Dad and Patch that we can stay here." Budderball said.

"Yeah..." MudBud agreed. "We'll show them that having puppies in the house won't be so bad!"

"Agreed." Buddha nodded.

"But how would we do it?" B-Dawg asked.

"That's a good question." Buddha said.

The Buddies then decided to put their heads together to think of a plan.

Patch and the Air BuddiesWhere stories live. Discover now