Chapter One

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*Up above is what I picture Robin to look like. Obviously you can picture him any way you see fit :3*

Beautiful Lie

Chapter One

"I'm coming!"

I quickly grabbed my sweater and pulled it on as I was running down the stairs. The doorbell rang, and I am not too fond of letting people wait. Skillfully flying down the stairs without tripping once, magically, I made it to the door in time.

Opening the door, I was hit with the cool winter breeze yet no one was in sight. I huffed letting a small puff of breath out that was clearly visible thanks to the chilly weather outside. Before closing the door, I spotted a letter by my feet.

I bent over to pick the letter up and looked at it with confusion. I wasn't expecting anything to be delivered, and weren't envelopes supposed to be put in the mailbox?

I flipped over the letter, and of course, my name was written in perfect script right on the front of it. I shrugged my shoulders and went back inside and up the stairs before I could let all the freezing air into my warm apartment.

Setting the envelope on the counter, I walk into the kitchen to put up some hot chocolate to get rid of the chills. To say I was curious as to what was in that letter is an understatement, but to be honest, I didn't feel like opening it now.

When my hot chocolate was finished, I grabbed it and made my way back to the living room. My computer was already sitting on the couch where I left it a few hours ago. I shuffled over to the couch and took a seat on the cushions while making myself comfortable as I snuggled into the soft red blanket.

"Who was it?" Damien grumbled.

He walked into the living room, yawning in the process, as he made his way over to the couch. His chest was completely bare causing me to instantly blush and look back at my computer screen.

Damien had an extremely nice body, and I felt guilty just blatantly staring at him like he was some piece of meat. He is straight, after all.

"No one. Nothing but a letter," I replied softly.

I still refused to look at him.

"A letter?" he questioned, sounding a little confused as to why a letter, of all things, would be placed by our front door.

"Yeah, it was addressed to me. I didn't open it yet."

"Hm," he didn't say much, but I can hear his feet shuffling on the wooden floor, and by the sound of it, he is getting closer. He picked me up effortlessly, sat down, and then laid me back down on his lap. "Sorry, I wanted to sit."

I looked up at him, but he was too busy staring at the letter addressed to me in his hands. He was analyzing it as if it would blow up at any second, and he couldn't seem to tear his gaze away.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw him try to rip it open, but I smacked his hand in an attempt to get him to drop it.

"That letter has my name on it, not yours."

He smirked and poked my nose, "what are you going to do about it Robin Hood?"

Robin Hood. The nickname he has been calling me ever since we were little. My name is Robin, so it makes perfect sense, still I felt like we were supposed to outgrow the childish nicknames by now. Don't get me wrong I like it. I really do. It gives me butterflies every time he uses that name because he is the only one that refers to me like that.

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