Chapter Three

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(The adorable Robin ^.^)

Chapter Three

I hate my job.

I am unloading a stack of boxes from one side of the room just to make a new stack on the other side of the storage room in the back of the bookstore. Really, what is the point?

"Robin! When you're done with the boxes can you just take over in the front? My shift is over and you're the only other person that can handle the customers," he shouted from somewhere out in the front of the store.

I drop the last of the heavy boxes I was carrying onto the giant stack and sighed.

"Sure...why not. It's not like I have anything else to do," I shout back with a bit too much sarcasm, but I don't think he caught it.

That or he is choosing to ignore my bad attitude. I'm guessing it's the latter.

I finish up with the boxes and head back out to the main floor where there were random people browsing the selection on the shelves. Only two more hours of this and then I get to go home. Maybe, if I'm lucky, I'll get to finally watch a good movie and relax for once.

Cody came into view and I made my way over to him before he could have the chance to escape without me noticing. He has a tendency of doing that, and usually he leaves a mess of things behind. This time I'm not letting him get away so easily.

"Cody, you didn't leave me any surprises, did you?" I eyed him cautiously.

His eyes went wide for a split second before returning back to normal, and he shrugged as if he wasn't so sure. Well, that doesn't seem convincing.

"You can't keep making a mess and then expecting me to take care of it for you. I don't get paid to do everyone's job. You're lucky you still have one," I muttered the last part under my breath.

It's not that Cody is a bad person. It's just that he's lazy...and he doesn't want to do anything...and he really sucks at his job.

"Look, I'm sorry Robbi-"

"Don't even think about it," I cut him off before he could even finish that sentence.

I hate the nickname Robbie. My name is Robin, and I do not like to go by anything other than my given name...unless you are Damien. Then it's okay.

"Sorry...I'm sorry ROBIN," he put emphasis on my name like the jackass he is. "I don't mean to leave a mess just sorta happens."

"Well make sure it sorta doesn't happen because I'm not letting it slide anymore."

I turned to leave but he puts his hand on my shoulder to stop me.

"Thanks, though. don't know how much I appreciate you having my back."

I pushed his hand off of my shoulder, "yeah, yeah...go home big guy. I'll keep an eye on things," I laughed.

His eyes brightened and he made a run for it while throwing a "peace out sour kraut" over his shoulder. I shouted back a quick "take care polar bear."

This was our routine every night. Usually we say something different, but they are strange sayings nonetheless. I like Cody, I really do. I give him a hard time, but work wouldn't be as fun if he weren't here.

...Anddddd I just let him go without cleaning up after himself again. I am an idiot. Officially.

Huffing, I made my way over to the counter. That issue can be solved later, for now I have to get the rest of these customers out of the store so I can close up.

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