Splitting Up

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The students ran into the mansion to get away from the rain.

Naomi: I can't believe it just started raining!

Ayumi: Well, look on the bright side, everywhere, at least we are not fully wet.

Naomi glared at her.

Yoshiki: Well were inside now...

Everyone looked around the Mansion. The hallways looked pretty dark. There wasn't a tinge of light anywhere. Wtihout light, this makes the place looked pretty spooky.

Satoshi: So now what?

Ayumi: We should look around the place and check it out.

Satoru: Yeah! I been itching up a nerve to check this place out.

Tohru gave his mirror image a 'You gotta be kidding?!' look...

Mayu: Well it wouldn't hurt to look around....

Satoshi: But what about the ghost.

Naomi: Satoshi, for the last time, there's no such things as ghost!

A/N: If your confused, just pretend the whole Heavenly Host Incident didn't happen. That would explain why everyone is alive in this story. So just bare with me.

Seiko: Don't worry Mochida! If anything happens Naomi here will protect you. Or maybe it's the other way around.

Naomi: What are you talking about?

Seiko: How about you two start telling each other about your feelings...

Naomi blushed while Satoshi stared clueless.

Seiko: Because it wouldn't hurt if Naomi would just kiss Mochida-kun already.

Both Satoshi and Naomi blushed massively.

Naomi: Seiko!!!

Ayumi: Shhhh! Do you want to wake up the ghost?!

Naomi: No!

Suddenly, everyone felt a cold chill.

Morishige: Is it me or is it getting a little cold in here?

Yoshiki: Let's forget about that for now, let's do what Shinozaki say nd check the place out.

Ayumi: Great so let's split up and scan the area.

Everyone splitted up into groups.

Satoshi, Naomi, and Seiko, went to check to east part of the mansion.

The twins went towards the west.

The rest: Ayumi, Yoshiki, Mayu, and Morishige went to look upstairs.

Team Ayumi

Ayumi and the others went upstairs to check out some of the bedrooms.

Ayumi: Hey look let's go inside here.

They went into the bedroom to check it out.

Inside it wasn't really that dark. But there was no light inside.

The bedroom was small but it conceal a bookcase nearby the bed.

Mayu walked over to checked it out and saw a book out of it's shelf.

She stands on her toes and tries to grab the book but to due to her height, she couldn't. Until someone much taller than her with glasses grabbed it for her.

Mayu: Thank you Shig-nii!

Morishige makes a small smile and nods.

Mayu blushes at that. Morishige is always looking after her.

Yoshiki: Suzumoto. What's that in your hand?

Mayu inspects the book and realizes it's a diary.

Mayu: It's a diary and by the look of it. It seems very old but still be able to read.

Yoshiki: Let's look inside and see.

Ayumi gasps and smacked him on the back of the head.

Yoshiki: Ow! What was that for?!

Ayumi: That's someone private property, you pervert!

Yoshiki: But they're no longer around so it wouldn't hurt to look!

Mayu: He's got a point.

Ayumi sighs and nods as Mayu opens the diary then begins to read out loud for the other students to hear.

Mayu: 5/23/1957, Dear Diary, today little master Shun has lay to rest today. He was distraught of losing his sister Anna, he decided to commit suicide a year after her death. His body was found in his room, hunged by the noose around his neck. Poor dear, his parents went through despair of losing another child, they couldn't take the despair. They have become....different....This house...No longer...Feel like home....



Yoshiki: Wow...That's deep.

Morishige: Agree. It seems that Satoru was right, this Mansion really does have it's own tragic back story.

Ayumi: Yeah...Espically with the deaths of the children...Those poor souls...We should probably take that book.

Mayu puts the book in her hand and follow the other students out...


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