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In the dark hallways shows Satoshi and Naomi looking around for the rest of their missing friends....

...If there's any of them left....

Naomi was crying a little bit...

Satoshi: Naomi...It's okay...We'll find the others soon...

Naomi:......Most...Most of them...A-Are....

Satoshi: Gone? I know but we have to keep going. We need to find Yuka, Yoshiki, Shinozaki, and Shinohara (Miyu) then find a way outta here...

Naomi then stop as Satoshi looked at her.

Satoshi: Naomi? What's wrong...

Naomi: What if there is no way out... We are all going to die...

Before she could say anything else, Satoshi grab her arms and pulls her into a hug.

Satoshi: No! That will not happen! We'll survive! We just have to keep going. For everyone's sake. For Shinohara's sake. Okay?

Naomi: Okay....

Suddenly they heard footsteps coming their way.

Satoshi: Someone's coming. It's probably that woman.

Naomi: What do we do?

Satoshi then sees a big stick. He walks over to grab and went to hide near a open room with Naomi.

Satoshi: When they come this way, we'll hit them with this stick and run.

Naomi nods as they hear the footsteps coming closer.

Just then someone came into their direction towards the room and Satoshi let out a battle cry and hit that person.


...Except that this person was familiar. Because he had platinum blonde hair and grey eyes.

Satoshi: Y-Y-Yoshiki?!


Satoshi: S-Sorry!!

Naomi: S-Shinozaki?!

Ayumi revealed herself after Yoshiki got hit.

Ayumi: Mochida?! Nakashima?!

Naomi: Oh thank God you two are okay!!

Yoshiki: Yeah same to you guys.

Satoshi: Oh Thank Lord....

Ayumi: We...Got some stuff to explain....

Satoshi: Same here. This might take a while.....

The group begin to tell each other of what happend on their end of the details. First starting with when they came to the haunted mansion. Along with being trapped there. 5 ghost children haunting the Mansion. The Ghost Woman that attacked them. The mutiple dimension. The story of what happend here at the mansion is still a bit of a mystery. Along with the deaths of their beloved friends and Sensei.

1. Ms. Yui

2. Seiko

3. Mayu

4. Miyu

5. Satoru

6. Tohru

7. Morishige


Satoshi: I-I can't believe that they're really gone.Suzumoto...The twins..Morishige...Yui-Sensei. And both Shinoharas?! How?!! This can't be happening!!

Naomi and Ayumi were crying and Yoshiki was trying to keep a straight face but couldn't keep it off because he felt guilty. His first friends were all being killed one by one. Satoshi himself was trying to stop the tears from flowing down his face.

Satoshi: We have to find Yuka!! We have to find her!! She still out there with those ghost! Somewhere!

Naomi: Don't worry Satoshi. We'll find her.

Ayumi: Mochida-kun. Everything going to be alright. Yuka-chan is a strong girl. I'm sure she can handle herself.

Satoshi: I know...But I'm really worried....

Yoshiki: Don't worry Satoshi, we'll find her as soon as we appease thise children. Right Shinozaki.

Ayumi: Right.

While the others were talking. Ayumi look and saw that Naomi had something next to her. It was her ID pocket.

Ayumi catiously went towards it and grab it. She saw a picture of Satoshi and Naomi smiling together. And let's just say she wasn't pleased.

 And let's just say she wasn't pleased

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Ayumi look a little upset at this.

But then she felt a familar emotion...

Jealousy.....But then....It turned to hatred....

Naomi: Class Rep?

Ayumi looked up at her and the boys with a fake smile.

Ayumi: It's nothing.

Yoshiki raised a eyebrow.

Ayumi: Here. Nakashima. You dropped this.

Naomi: Oh thanks....Oh it seems that the picture is missing.

Ayumi: Oh I'm sorry. Was it a 'good' picture?

Naomi: Oh. It wasn't much but yes.

Satoshi: Come on guys we need to keep going. We need to appease the ghost children and find Yuka.

Ayumi: You guys go on ahead. I'll catch up?

Everyone looked at her in confusion.

Yoshiki raised both eyebrows this time. He wondered. Was it him or did it looked liked she was hiding something?

Ayumi: Don't worry I'll be fine. I'm just gonna check something out in this room.

Naomi: Okay!

Satoshi: Be careful.

Ayumi: I will.


The three begin to walk ahead while Ayumi glared darkly at the picture she took from Naomi's ID card.

She pulled out a lighter....And burned the picture...

...Then she made a creepy smile. That was filled with resent and evil...

Ayumi: ...Hehe....Nakashima...You think you can take Mochida-kun away from me...Well...Two can play at that game...Heh heh heh heh....

To be continued

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To be continued....

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