Victim Memoirs

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Satoru and Tohru ran through the Mansion unaware of where they are.

Tohru: Gahh!

Tohru fell on the ground.

Satoru: Tohru!

Satoru ran towards his brother.

Satoru: Tohru, are you okay.

Satoru help his brother up as he checks for injuries on his twin. So far there were none.

Satoru: Come on, we need to find a way outta here.

Tohru: What about the others?

Satoru: We'll check up to them soon....

Tohru: Nii-chan....I'm scared....

Satoru: I know...Me too...

It was a terrifying scene seeing Ms. Yui die before the students. Even though she wasn't Satoru and Tohru's sensei like the others. But she was like a big sister to them. Her death had scarred their minds.

It scared all the students until they all screamed and ran away in different directions. Satoru wonder who was that girl with the long black hair and red eyes. Well...It proved a theory to him...That girl was no human....

Satoru: So this mansion is haunted....We better get back with the Kisaragi Folk or we're gonna end up like Yui-Sensei...

Satoru and Tohru walk down the hallways. The feeling of being watched was back.

Then they stopped when they saw something nearby.

Satoru: *Gasp* Tohru look!

It was a candle. It was already lighted.

Satoru recognized the candle from anywhere.

Tohru: Is that Shinozaki's candle?

Satoru: Yes! That means Ayumi must be nearby!

Tohru: Okay....Ummm...Nii-chan, I was wondering...

Satoru: What is it?

Tohru: How many candles do Shinozaki have?

Satoru stared at him blankly for a second before saying...

Satoru: I-don't-know...

Tohru: (O.O;)....

Satoru: Anyway, let's leave a note for her and maybe she find it.

Satoru pulls out a note from his notepad and begins to write a note for Ayumi or the other students hoping one of them would find it.

Satoru: Okay, let's go.

Tohru: Wait, what if we need light...This place is a little too dark to see. We could run into the ghost women again...

Satoru: Hmmm...Oh I got an idea.

He remember he had a unlighted candle from his pocket that he got from Ayumi on his birthday. He put the candle near the other one to get some flames.

After that he put the candle on a holder.

Satoru: There, now we got some light to guide us.

The twins walk down the creepy hallways. There was blood handprints all over the walls.

Tohru: Where do you think these blood handprints come from?

Satoru: They probably came from the previous family that died here. After all bloody handprints are usually left on crime scenes. These were used as classic symbol of violent and savage people. So whoever killed the family, made sure all of them was massacred leaving none alive.

Tohru: Who do you think killed the family.

Satoru: That's the mystery Tohru, I have no idea until I find out for myself...

Tohru nods as he saw something else on the wall.

Tohru: Nii-chan, what's that?

Satoru looked over and saw a paper on the wall. He examines it as it says victims memoir...

A/N: Careful, if you read all the victim memoir, it's a possible chance you could go insane. If the reader reads all 5 pieces, the reader will be possessed and reach a painful demise.

Satoru: Hmm...Let's see if these victim memoirs could give us any clues....

[Victim's Memoir] (1/5)

I ate my servant today...

What else was I supposed to do? I was starving. We both were. And there's no food here. So we decided, together, that one of us should try to live just a little bit longer. If I ever get outta here. I'm supposed to tell all the people waiting for us what happened here. But I was so hungry. I felt her blood going down my throat, quenching my thirst. And her meat was supple and satisfying. But that blood and that meat was once my friend. Up until just a few hours before, I'd been talking with her. As I feasted, I just kept thinking, this food used to be a person. Before I tore it apart, it all worked together to sustain a life. And every time I thought about that, I just started crying...and I couldn't stop. I wanted some part of her to be with me even after she died, so I decided to keep one of her eyeballs. And I thought maybe I should write all of this down, to help preserve some small portion of my sanity.



Satoru: I gonna pretend I have never read this.

They continued searching until they reach another victim memoir.

[Victim's Memoir] (2/5)

I'm so cold... I feel like the heat is just oozing out of my body, bit by bit... And then there's that sound that just won't stop... What is it?! My ears hurt. I can't focus on anything. I feel like there's a thin film surrounding my entire brain. I found a dying message next to one of the corpses earlier... It said there's a hallway somewhere in here that changes its size, appearing longer or shorter pretty much on a whim. I wonder where it is? I hate that I don't feel anything when I see a human body anymore. It sickens me...

They later found another one.

[Victim's Memoir] (3/5)

I've been searching every last corner of this school building, trying to find a way of escaping with her. But it's not happening. No matter how much we struggle, only further misery awaits us. I'm so unbearably hungry that it feels like my stomach is eating itself... And every moment, it gets worse. It's like a big, black mass in front of me that's slowly closing in. I can't keep ignoring it. I've started talking to the eyeball in my hand, to help stay focused and maintain my sanity. Stop looking at me like that! I swear, I'll find us a way out of here! I have to make sure I tell your family what you did for me...

Tohru: I find this one very unpleasant....

The twins left this one for another one.

[Victim's Memoir] (4/5)

I am writing these memoris with sticky hands but its not me that is stiky but somethng else I hope you re not mad about this maybe you will think I'm a horribl e person but i got hungry again really hungry like i was about to DIE so I did something I shouldn't have done. I promised her I would stay sane, and promised myself I wouldn't do what I did, and I am so, so sorry, really, really sorry, really sorry but there is no excuse for what I did. With my bloody hands, I took the thing that I've been squishing, and I put it in my mouth, and I swallowed it. I ate it.......I'm so sorry....

Satoru: Ugh...

Tohru: Can't believe he actually ate it....

Satoru: This place sickens me...

Tohru: Should we find the last one?

Satoru: Maybe...

It wasn't long until they found the last one....

A/N: Be careful...Remember, the consequences...You been warned...

Satoru: Should I read it?

Choice Time

A. Read It?

B. Don't Read It?

To be continued....

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