Tohru's Pain And Feelings...

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(Tohru's Pov)

Being overshadowed by your twin is one thing.

But when everyone loves him more than you is another.

But I can't hate Satoru.

I would never.

I would rather die than hate my twin.

I just hate myself for being weak.

Satoru is everything to me...

He is my precious Nii-chan.

I depend on Satoru a lot...

Just like that day.....

(Flashback-Five Years Ago...)

In middle school, A punched was heard in the hallways.

There stood a young boy whose 12 years old who goes by the name Tohru Tendo. Who was punched by one of three bullies. Two boys and a girl.

Tohru had Short Black hair. Dark Eyes. Tan skin. And a black school boy gakuran uniform with brown shoes.

The bullies were different.

They had similar uniform except for the girl. She had a black jacket with a white shirt underneath. Blue dress wih white high knee socks and black shoes.

One of the boys was taller with brown hair and red eyes. His name was Takeshi.

The Next boy who was the leader had golden hair and green eyes. His name was Akito. He's most likely the person who punched Tohru.

And the girl had short white hair tied to a ponytail and blue eyes. Her name was Misao.

Akito: What's wrong Tendo got nothing to say?


Takeshi: Ha ha, that's right, he doesn't. He's a weakling compare to his brother. Because he doesn't even have the balls to stand up for himself.

Misao: Ha ha, I bet he never had a girlfriend before! What a pussy.

Tohru:.....(No...They're wrong...True I never had a girlfriend before....But I'm not a pussy...I just don't want to cause my brother any problems.)

He's was always called a weakling because he never really had any skills like his brother. He was always in his twin's shadow...

Satoru was always popular compared to him.

Satoru always got straight A's. He great at sports. Espically Kendo. Most of the girls in school have a crush on him.

He's the center of attention. Even the teachers like him.

Heck even their parents....Love him more....

But Tohru...

Tohru was different...

He is not popular like his brother...

He doesn't have many friends...

He was much of a loner...

He hate sports. He's not a straight A student.

But he does get good grades.

But no one cared.

Everyone believed that he's an obstacle in his brother's way.

That's why many people bully him 24/7.

Takeshi: Hey, guess what boss?

Akito: What?

Takehsi: I heard Little Tendo here has a crush on his brother.

Tohru: ?!!

Misao: Ew. Incest?

Akito: Ha! Gross. Little Tendo has a crush on his brother. Ha! Such a freak. And you know what we do to freaks here, Little Tendo?


Akito: Hey!! I'm talking to you!

Tohru: N-No....

Misao: We beat them to a pult. Since your a freak. Besides why would you like your brother when it's obvious he won't like you back. He'll think your a freak too...

Akito: You know what we must do. But don't worry, if you put little resistence, we'll make it quick. Ha ha ha ha!

Tohru: (What's the point of living when no one besides Satoru would care....*Sigh* I should just give up...I wanna disappear...)

Satoru: Hey!

Satoru Tendo had showed up and he looked super pissed to find his brother being bullied by the three.

Akito: Ah! S-S-Satoru?!

Satoru: What do you three think you're doing?!

Misao: W-W-Well....

Takeshi:Y-You see....

Satoru: I won't have no excuses...As Class President....I'll report the three of you for bullying to Principal. Leave now or else there will be consequences.

The three bullies screamed and scattered after that. Satoru walked towards his brother.

Satoru: Hey are you okay? That bruise on your cheek? Did they....

Tohru: N-No...It's alright...I'm fine...

Satoru: *Sighs*...(He's lying...) Tohru, you shouldn't let them do that...

Tohru: I know...It's just...

Satoru hug his brother.

Satoru: Tohru, look, no matter what anybody says, you don't have to be like me....You are own person. Just because your my twin does not mean to have to be like me.

Tohru: Nii-chan...

Satoru: Tohru, I love you okay. After all your my brother and I'll do anything for you...Okay?

Tohru: Okay...

Satoru: Come on, let's go home...

Tohru: Right. Thanks for everyhing Nii-chan.

Satoru: You don't have to keep calling me Nii-chan ya know. Satoru is fine.

Tohru: But I love Nii-chan!

Satoru: Ha ha! You're too cute to be growing up sometimes.

Satoru rubs Tohru's hair before grabbing his brother's hand exiting the school building.

End Flashback

(Tohru's Pov)

But Nii-chan did not understand what I meant when I said I love him. I can never tell him. He might hate me....

Years have gone by ever since that day and Satoru is still over-protective of me.

He really must be scared of losing me.

I feel the same way.

I also wish to protect him.

Because I love him....

Even if everyone loves him more than me....

This pain....

It hurts.....

My feelings for him hurts even more...

To be continued....

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