Staying The Night

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Satoru and Tohru looked around the west wing.

Tohru: Wow!!! This place is huge!

Satoru nods as he saw what interest him.

It was a library. Strangest thing was, it had light in the room.

To Tohru, it was just a library, but to Satoru, it was Heaven! Satoru loved books espically if they had horror genre on them.

Tohru shook his head as his older twin walk towards the library.

Tohru maybe the childish twin, but sometimes even Satoru can have his moments of being childish.

While his brother check outs the library, Tohru heard a shuffling noise.

Curious, the younger twin went to follow the peculiar noise which lead him to a dark hallway when he saw something familiar on the wall.

Tohru: W-What is this? Is this blood?!!! It looks fresh....But it couldn't be anyone elses blood could it?

Tohru follows the blood all the way to a suspicous looking sheet.

Tohru: Is there something in there?

Tohru pulls the sheet down and saw a large mirror.

Tohru: Oh. Just a mirror.

Tohru looks at himself in the mirror.

Tohru: *Gasp?!!*

He saw a shadowy figure next to him in the mirror with red eyes and had a smirk.

Tohru: H-How long has that shadow been following me?!

The shadow puts a hand on Tohru.

Tohru: Gaaah?!

Tohru jumps when he felt the hand and turned his head but...The figure was gone....

Tohru: Eh?....Was it....My imagination...Or maybe it's Onii-chan playing a prank on me...

Tohru thought that was probably it and he went back to the library to find his brother.

Satoru: There you are. So where you ran off too?

Tohru: Huh? Ummm...Nii-chan, by any chance were you near a mirror not too long ago?

Satoru: What do you mean, I was in the library this whole time.

Tohru: Really but I saw a shadowy figure in a strange mirror next to me. He looked kinda like you...So I thought...

Satoru: No way Tohru. If that was me, you could've heard my footsteps. Did you hear any at all?

Tohru stares in shock.

Tohru: No...As a matter of fact...I didn't....

Satoru: Hmmm....

Tohru: (There's no way that could've been one of the others...And If that wasn't Satoru...Then...Who was that?)


Satoshi and the girls were in the east wing of the mansion.

Satoshi notice a bathroom nearby.

Satoshi: Hey girls, I going to use the bathroom. Wait for me out here.

Seiko: Awww...Are you sure you don't need Naomi to help you with that problem?

Both Satoshi and Naomi blushed again.

Satoshi and Naomi: Shinohara/Seiko!!!

Seiko: Hehe!

Satoshi decided it was best to not comprehead the situation. So he went into the small bathroom. Everything was dusty and gross as usual. He reached a window, which was across from a sink. Upon looking out, there was nothing but brush and ingrown foliage. He sighed- there was nothing in the house that would be as interesting as he thought. Then, out of nowhere, the sink began bubbling. Satoshi felt his breathing got shaky. The unusual environment must've made him a bit more on his toes. Cautiously, Satoshi turned himself around and creeped to the sink that was still gurgling. He finally got the courage to look over it; there was dark red blood being slurped down the drain. Satoshi gasped and gagged on himself at the sight. He lost his breath for a moment, and turned away. There was no way he was going to barf but the scene was just nasty. Upon looking back to it, the sink was as it was before. No gurgling, no sputtering, just dusty and white. Was he imagining things or what? Satoshi hoped for once in his life that he wasn't getting himself and his friends into a dangerous situation.

Satoshi left out of the bathroom back to the two girls.

Naomi: You're back! So did something happen?

Satoshi paled a bit. He did not want to scare the girls.

Satoshi: I-It was nothing.

Seiko: Huh?



The groups had reunited back together in the living room wanting to talk about what they discover. Some of them looked like they wanted to leave the mansion as fast as they can. Manly Satoshi and Tohru, of course.

Suddenly they all heard the thunderflash again and all of them looked outside to notice it was still raining only for it to be pouring down a lot.

Yoshiki: Just our luck, it looks like we are all holed up for the night.

Satoshi: So we have to stay here?!

Naomi: Well...We got no choice. Do you wheter wanna get lost in the rain? Be my guest.

Satoshi facepalms.

Satoshi: Why do you always do that?

Ayumi: Don't worry guys...It just going to be one night. We can all sleep in the rooms for the Night and warn our parents what we been up too while that happens.

Mayu: Right Class Rep.

Morishige: Mhm.

Satoru: I guess it wouldn't hurt.

Tohru: But Nii-chan, I'm scared.

Satoru: Don't worry Tohru, nothings gonna happen.

Seiko: Right, Tohru-chan, we are all here for you.

Ayumi: Well let's all crash in the rooms for the night. The boys can go to the boy bedrooms while us girls go to the girl bedrooms.

Naomi: Seems fair. Goodnight everyone.

Everyone said their goodnights unaware of the danger they all put theirselves in. One night staying in a creepy old mansion. How bad can that be?....

To be continued...

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