Satoshi and Miyu

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Satoshi and Miyu looked around the hallways for Yuka.

But can't seemed to find her.

Satoshi: Yuka! Yuka! Where are you?!

Miyu: Yuka!

Satoshi: Yuka, please tell me you're alright!

Miyu: Mochida! Do not worry, we'll find her!

Satoshi: But Shinohara....

Miyu: Do not worry. Everything will be okay...

Satoshi then gets up and stops crying.

Satoshi: You're right. I have to be strong...For Yuka...For everybody...

Miyu: That's right so let's find her!

Satoshi nods as he and Miyu continued searching.

Miyu: (Mochida...Everything will be alright...You are strong and brave...But in the end I'm not....I was careless....How can I tell him how I feel....Just like that day....)


Satoshi: Hey are you okay Shinohara?

Miyu: Oh umm....Mochida....There's something I should tell you....

Satoshi: Okay...

Miyu: I'm....I'm a guy.....

Satoshi: Oh. I get it. You maybe a girl but you feel like a boy inside. That would explain why your so good at sports.

Miyu: No...I mean I'm a guy, not a girl!

Satoshi: Eh? Ehhhhhh?! B-But how?!

Miyu: I-I could show you.

Miyu begin to lift up his dress.

Satoshi: N-No, you don't have to that!

Meanwhile some boys who were watching pouted but did not understand the situation at hand.

Boys: Ah boo! We wanted to see that.

Satoshi: S-Shut up perverts!

The boys laugh and left leaving the two.

Miyu: W-Well...You're not upset are you?

Satoshi: No, why would I be? I mean you're a guy, there's nothing wrong with that.

Miyu: R-Really?!

Satoshi: Yes! So we are still friends! Okay?

Miyu: Okay. Thank you Mochida.

End Flashback

Miyu: (That day he only thought I was teasing him...Until he realize I was telling the truth....I would always speak to him but only jokingly. I wamted to tell him about my feelings. I should've say it sooner...Mochida...)

Miyu: Mochida....

Satoshi: Yeah?

Miyu: I...

Suddenly a massive earthquake happend.

Miyu: Whoooooooooooa!

Satoshi: Miyu!

Then a big gap in the floor grew separately the two from each other. Then the earthquake stop.

Satoshi: Shinohara, you okay over there?

Miyu: Yeah! Just peachy.

Satoshi: Okay, I'm going to continue on and find Yuka. You try to find the others.

Miyu: Yeah! Okay. And Mochida I hope that we will meet again then get outta here.

Satoshi nods and runs off while Miyu walks away.

Miyu: (And next time I will tell him...I love him...)

Miyu just hopes he'll find Yuka.

Miyu had always helped Satoshi take care of Yuka. Maybe she'll turn out soon.

Miyu then begin to hear voices.

He flinches a little and try to be brave.

He walked into a classroom where begins to feel a cold chill.

Miyu: This room doesn't feel right.

Miyu then walks around the classroom looking over for Yuka until.


He's footed fell between the floorboards and he sprained it.

Miyu: Gah! Aah! It hurts! It hurts!

He tries to pull it out. But the pain got worse. His foot was stucked.

Miyu: Help! Help! Mochida! Seiko! Anyone!

As he was trying to get his leg out, a ghost child raise above him and her hands begin to glow red as she had a wicked smirk on her face.

Then four knives appeared in each side of the room pointing at Miyu.

Then the girl send them hurdling towards him!

Miyu: Mochi-?!!


Ghost Girl: Hahaha...HAHAHAHAHA!

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