A. Give Her The Tongue, Diary, And Bear.

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Satoshi: Anna! Here. This is what you been searching for!


Satoshi: Here.

Satoshi gives Anna her remains, diary, and teddy bear.


Satoshi: Anna, listen to me! You're family wants you to stop killing people!


Ayumi walked up to her.

Ayumi: It must've been hard. When you and your siblings were killed by your own mother. Separated in death, Never to see each other again. You must've have been really in pain...But dragging others into your despair and pain won't bring your siblings back. Revenge is never the answer...

Naomi: So please...We are doing this so you can move on...

Satoshi: So for your siblings will you please stop killing...

Anna looks at the group in shock before she started to cry which shock the group and they look at her sadly.

Anna: I'm sorry! I'm sorry I killed so many people. I'm sorry!!

Suddenly Anna was surrounded by a few spirits. She recognize them. It was her family.

Anna's family: We forgive you.

Emilia: Your our little sister.

Shun: Of course we'll forgive.

Hatsune: Never forget that.

Fuyu: Yeah.

Anna's Father: Come on Anna sweetie....Let's all move on...The afterlife is waiting...

Anna: -Sobs- Okay!

Anna then hug her family and thanked the survivors for everything before vanishing.

Satoshi: Is...Is it over.

Naomi: Yeah! I think so!

Ayumi: Oh thank Kami and....Kishinuma!

Ayumi went towards him and hug him.

Yoshiki: W-Whoa?! Shinozaki?!

Ayumi: Waaaah!! I'm so glad you're alive!! I'm so sorry for everything!!

Yoshiki: -Chuckles- It's okay.

Ayumi: Here. Let me clean your wounds.

Naomi went towards Yuka.

Naomi: Let me do yours as well Yuka.

Yuka: Okay Naomi-nee-chan.


Yoshiki and Yuka were all bandaged up and heal a little. Thank goodness the wounds weren't too deep or they would've died.

Satoshi: So what happens now...

Fuyu: You leave...

Ayumi: Fuyu!!

Fuyu: Yes it's me. Though you can't see me. But I'm telling you all to leave. There's a chance for you guys to escape.

Satoshi: How?

Fuyu: Go to the front door to exit. It's open now and you'll get back to your world....However...If you don't make it in time...You'll be trapped here...Forever...

Naomi: Oh no...

Ayumi: But...What happens to you all...

Fuyu: We'll be free to move on to the afterlife...So don't worry about us...So please...If you don't make when the tenth bell rings...You be trapped....Hurry up and get outta here...Please...

Then a massive earthquake happend.

Yoshiki: Whoaaaaaa!!!

Ayumi: Eeek!!

Naomi: Quickly everyone! Let's get outta here!!!


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