Chapter 25: Don't Be So Serious

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{Camila's POV}

"Alright, I'll talk to you tomorrow before I get there, beautiful. Love you too. Bye" I bid farewell to my love before chucking my phone to the other side of my bed, the smile on my face expressing the excitement that was bubbling in my tummy.

Just then, a wild haired Phoenix bursts into my room as he always does because who cares about Camila's privacy, right? The punk plops himself on my beanbag as he munches on an apple without so much as a hello.

I contemplated giving him a piece of my mind, but my eyes immediately fell upon the small scars that were currently still healing on his left cheek. Scars that I may or may not have been the supplier of....

So, I leave him be and return back to my elated state.

The hazel eyed boy takes a moment to observe my dopey expression and, as usual, comes to the same correct conclusion.

"So what did Lauren say now that has left you totally and utterly mystified?"

"It's not what she said, it's what we're going to do." I say without giving a second thought to the words coming out of my mouth.

The older boy's face contorts itself in a look of slight discomfort as he slowly reaches up to set his apple on my dresser. "Ummm, I don't think I should be hearing about this..." He mutters as he feigns as though he's going to make a hasty retreat.

It takes me a few seconds to realize what he assumes I'm referring to and I roll my eyes at the boy with the one track mind.

"Ugghh! You're an idiot. I'm not talking about that." I toss a pillow at his head, causing him to laugh as he catches it effortlessly.

"By we, I meant Lauren, Ally, Dinah, Normani and I. And by do, I meant having a sleep over at Lauren's tomorrow night."

"A sleepover?" The tall boy inquires as he lays down on my bed in a dainty fashion and puts both of his fists under his chin, swinging his legs in the air. "What am I gonna wear?" He says as he delicately places a hand on his cheek, his voice raised significantly from his usually low, smooth tone.

It was really creepy and I was going to need him to stop that immediately.

"Umm, you are not going to wear anything." I internally face palm myself the second I end that statement because I set myself up on that one.

"Oooooh! So it's that kinda party." Phoenix says with a wiggle of his stupid eyebrows.

"Get out." I say in a scolding tone, pointing to the door and earning another hearty laugh from the boy who thought he was on a roll today.

"Pssshhh, fine! I don't want to go to your little girly party anyway. I've had enough of all this female company. I need some quality male bonding time with my bros!" the tall boy exclaims.

"Good for you! You do that. Go be a man somewhere else. Pick your nose, grow some chest hair, get a booboo and rub some dirt in it." I counter back, slightly offended that he didn't put up more of a fight to join us. Not that I would have allowed him to tag along anyway since this was a girl's only occasion.

"No thanks, I've had enough booboos for the week." he deadpans, pointing to the marks on his face.

I immediately soften up upon seeing his serious expression.

He's the best for dealing with me when I'm sick, I should stop being such an asshole to him.

"I wuv you." I utter in my sweetest tone, putting on my best puppy dog eyes and rushing over to the big cry baby's side, littering his face with kisses.

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