Chapter 28: That's How You Feel Pt.1

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{Phoenix's POV}

My mind was all over the place. I slammed the front door as I made my way up the stairs, hours earlier than I expected to be home.

I kept replaying her words over and over again in my head.

'Suffocating' she said. 'Too much' she said. 'Give her space' she said.

So I said I'm done.

"Incredible" I mumbled to myself humorlessly, but while making a hasty retreat to my room, the sound of sniffling that wasn't my own made me stop in my tracks.

I knew that sound and I hated hearing it, more so now than at any other time. I didn't know if I had enough in me to try and make it better.

None the less, I immediately made a b-line straight to Mila's room, busting in uninvited as usual, and surely enough, I'm met with the sight of my rosy cheeked munchkin, curled tightly into a ball as she wept. Long and sorrow filled sobs.

Her cries were distinct. This one was her, 'my heart hurts' cry. I thankfully don't get to see this one that often, but when I do, it's enough to make me physically hurt.

And as much as I wouldn't mind crawling next to her and surrendering to this shitty day, the part of me that wanted to see her happier was stronger.

I sluggishly made my way over to the brunette, who had yet to acknowledge my presence, but I knew she knew I was here. With one knee placed on the mattress, I tucked my arms underneath her limp, heavy body and scooped her up into my lap as I made myself comfortable against her headboard. We were gonna be here for a while.

The small girl wasted no time in burying herself deep into my embrace, and I wasted no time in melting against her sad touch.

I didn't even know what was wrong with her, but I could feel that her pain rooted deeper than mine. Sure, I felt like crying. My heart was just ripped into shreds. But it wasn't enough to actually make me shed more than a tear or two. Things had to really hurt to get anything out of me, and Mila was the same way. Putting the pieces together, I realized only one person could put her through this ordeal at this point.

If this has anything to do with Lauren, I swear I'll... get Dinah to kick her ass.

The minutes turned into nearly an hour before the waterworks and the labored breathing calmed down. I still continued to massage her scalp, one of the few things that relaxed her, just in case.

The little turtle slowly but surely began to withdraw from the shelter she found in my arms, though she still remained cuddled by my side.

"So," I spoke tenderly while tracing patterns along her back, "do you need me to call Dinah and get her to dish out a beat down or no?"

I was rewarded with a weak, breathy chuckle, which counts for something at least. She simply shook her head no.

"How about I get us something to eat?" Food makes things better. No matter what, Camila was always hungry.

I didn't get an immediate response, but she eventually gave me a small nod. Which was good, because I was starving.

I attempted to untangle her from our current position but I should have known better. As soon as she felt me pull away she scrambled to my side once again. Gently prying her arms from around my waist, I turned my back towards her and guided her hands over my shoulder. The little one took the hint and wrapped her legs around my waist instead as we made our way in search of food.

"Ya know, you never seem to get any heavier." I thought out loud, thinking back on the countless times I've carried this girl around the house when she was too lazy to go anywhere herself.

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