Paper Towns

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(Just a heads up, you're both 16 here)

"Good idea, (y/n) I hear it's great"

I smiled as I listened to the Irish boy's beautiful voice coming from my phone. We were planning a movie night, every time we both have a Friday off we'd have a movie night.

"So paper towns it is then. You're sure it isn't too girly for you?" I laughed to myself

"Yeah I can h-handle it..?" His sentence started off with confidence then he realized what he was saying. He had a habit of doing that, and it was fucking adorable.

(Y/N), Stop it. He has a girlfriend, you idiot.

"Haha well I'll see you tonight tough boy" I tried to be as flirtatious as I could without getting into trouble.

I heard small chuckles through the phone, causing my cheeks to become red and my heart to flutter. He's so adorable.

"Sounds like a plan. I'll see you later (y/n)" and he hung up.

Niall and I have been friends forever, since 3 grade. He just recently got together with Jessica, the new girl who acts so sweet and innocent around Niall but in reality she's a total bitch.

And she absolutely despises me, probably because of how close Niall is to me. I truly have tried to stand down and back away, but Niall is so damn cute. I can't stay away from him. Our longest time apart is four days. He started freaking out, he thought I hated him but the four days were really hard for me.

He's so clingy and I've gotta admit that it's cute and I love it.

I walked into my bedroom and started to pick up some clothes to make it look half way decent in there. My parents are not home often, so I spend a lot of my time with Niall, when he's not with that assbutt Jessica.

Three supernatural episodes later, I heard a footsteps coming up the stairs. I didn't bother to check who it was, I already knew from the way they sounded.

"Hey (y/n)." He said while plopping onto my bed "I've got the movie"

I paused Netflix "Woo. I'm super exited for this one, I've waited for so long"

Niall smiled "did you make popcorn yet?"

"No, I guess I didn't realize how long I've been watching Netflix" Niall looked at the screen

"Didn't you already watch this episode?" He asked

"Yeah, what's your point?" I sat up and threw the several blankets off of me and stood up

He laughed "haha well let's go make popcorn, yeah?"

I smiled and grabbed his hands, pulling him out of bed. We raced downstairs and started making the popcorn.

We were now waiting for it to stop popping. I slid down the wall and sat on the floor, then Niall copied my actions and say beside me.

We were silent for a while, but it was a good silent. It wasn't awkward or weird or uncomfortable, it was calming and it made me feel safe.

"Me and Jessica broke up" Niall said breaking the silence

My eyes widened and my heart sunk, I turned so I could face him "I am sorry" no I'm not.

He looked down "we got into a fight, a-about you"

Now I actually felt sorry, maybe she was a bitch but Niall liked her (at least her when she's with Niall) and I don't want him hurt

"Why about me?"

He looked up at me "she told me not to talk to you anymore. She told me to tell you that we can't talk to each other anymore or bad things would happen to you. I couldn't have that so I ended it. I'm so sorry (y/n) I should have listened to you"

I could feel the sadness and regret coming from him. I didn't say anything, I couldn't say anything. All I could do was hug him, so I did. "Don't be sorry Niall, it's okay. It's not your fault" I said as tears leaked from his eyes.

Now we were sitting in a position where my legs were wrapped around his waist and I was hugging him around his neck. my heartbeat was out of control, but I didn't care. I was too focused on making Niall feel better again and to forget about Jessica.

"...(Y/n)" Niall whispered while he gripped me tightly

"Yes, Niall?"

He moved back just enough to look into my eyes. "She never made me feel like you do. I think that now, I know why." He stared into my eyes then pushed his lips against mine, for what felt like forever but wasn't quite enough. He put his forehead onto mine while cupping my face.

"It's because I'm in love with you, (y/n)."

I HOPE YOu liked it because I'm tired as fuck.

Ahg goodnight nugget babeS I'll see you around :*
- Joy

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