Best friend

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Niall and I have been best friends since the seventh grade. Now he's not just My Best friend, Niall he's The Niall horan.

I am so proud of how far he's gotten. Niall is going on tour with the rest of the boys next week and I'm going to be stuck at home.

I got up from my bed and put in some decent clothes. I wasn't planning on going anywhere today but I still like looking good.

I put my hair in a messy bun and walked downstairs. The floor was so cold, the whole house was. No Wonder it was cold, it's the first week of February.

My phone suddenly went off and the sound of automated bells filled the empty house. I walked over to it and picked it up, silencing the alarm.

I rarely get up before my alarm goes off. Most times I'm woken up from a great sleep but this time I woke up naturally.

I opened iMessage and started to text niall. We always text each other good morning texts. it's kinda like a competition to see who can text first.

To: Niall

Hey Niall good morning! I won this time yay! Haha text me back when u get this:)

I smiled to myself and set my phone on the table. I walked over to the kitchen and poured myself a bowl of cereal. I put my cereal on the table and quickly grabbed my phone from the coffee table and ran back over to the table and started eating my cereal before it got soggy.

My phone went off an do picked it up. Niall wanted to FaceTime. I pushed answer and set my phone on the table so I could eat my cereal and FaceTime him and not risk dropping my phone in my cereal.

It finally connected and the first thing I seen was Niall's cute face smiling at me. "Heeeey (y/n)"

"Heeeeey niall" I said, mimicking him.

He giggled "what are you eating?"


I looked down at my bowl then back at niall for no particular reason. "frosted flakes"

Niall smiled "GRRRRREAT!" He said just like the animated tiger on the commercial making me laugh.

"What are you doing later?" He asked

"Umm" I didn't really have anything going on, but I also didn't want to leave the house that much. "Nothing" I said

His face lit up "yes! Okay your going to come with me today" he said and smiled

"I expected that since you asked me if I'm free."

He giggled the cutest giggle ever "we're going ice skating"

I looked at him with a scared look "so we can die like in the night changes video?!" I asked

"Hahaha maybe, only if you can't skate. You probably can't because your a wimp" he joked

"I AM NOT!" I defended

He giggled "you so are"

I rolled my eyes "when should I be at your house?"

"Um half hour?"

"Okay bye ni" I smiled at him

He waved dorkishly and hung up. I sighed and smiled to myself. I've always loved niall but I'm scared that if I tell him, he won't feel the same and our great friendship will be over.

I put on my favorite hoodie and some jeans. I decided that I would leave my hair up.

I opened the front door and a blast of cool winter air filled the house. I took a deep breath and then walked outside, closing the door behind me.

I walked down the stairs and to my car. I got in and out my phone on the passenger seat then started the car and headed to nialls house

I got there and parked in his driveway. I got out of my car and grabbed my phone. I shoved my phone in my pocket and walked up to nialls front door.

Before I could nock niall opened the door "haaayyy" he said cheerfully

"Haha hay" I smiled

He pulled me in for a hug. My face was buried in he chest and everything that was happening made me weak in the knees

"Okay come onnn!" He said pulling me to his car

"Okay slow down"

He rolled his eyes and opened the door for me. I smiled at him and got in the car.

He ran to the other side and opened the door but a bunch of snow fell on his seat

"Hahaha" I said

"Ugh" he brushed the snow off of the seat and got into the car

•niall pov•

She watched. Me get into the car and I couldn't help but giggle. I really love (y/n). She is beautiful and kind and she stole my heart. It's funny, when we were younger my mum warned me that guys and girls can't be bestfriends without falling in love. At the time I was in eighth grade so I lagged and didn't believe her, but she was right.

A few minutes passed and it was silence. I wanted to take her hand. I reached out for it but then stopped myself, I can't hold her hand! What if she doesn't like me the same and it's just awkward. I sadly moved my hand back.

She must have noticed me because I suddenly felt a warm small hand on mine. I looked down at my hand them over at her. She blushed and looked away...did she like me too? I looked back at the road and rubbed circles on her hand.

When we got to the ice rink it was packed. I sighed and out out and ran to (y/n)'s door and opened it for her before she could open it herself.

"Haha I can open my own door, niall" she said

"You shouldn't have to."

She smiled and we walked in and rented skates.

I was taking off my shoes and when I looked up she was gone. I looked around and she wasn't there.

•your pov•
I ran into the bathroom while niall was taking off his shoes. I don't know what to do. I know I love him. I love him with all of my heart. I just wish I could tell him.

I got out of the bathroom and walked over to where niall and I were to dint him frantically searching.

"You okay, ni?"

His turned around and hugged me "don't scare me like that" he said into my hair

"haha I was just in the bathroom" I said

"Oh." He said simply.

I started to walk to the ice rink but he put a hand in my shoulder and stopped me.

"Yes niall?" I asked while turning around

He suddenly leaned in and kissed me deeply and passionately. The kiss lasted so long people started to stare. But j didn't care I have always dreamed of this and it's just as magical as I thought it would be

"I love you" he said

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