Chapter 10: Two sides to every Story (Maya)

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I heard footsteps coming towards me and felt the presence of Josh as he opened Sue's old locker beside me. I stiffened and prepared to ignore him at all stops. But unexpectedly, the sound of his voice when he spoke was different: slightly nervous and cute. 

"Hey, um Maya?" He asked cautiously. I smiled, but my back was to him so he couldn't see. Something about how vulnerable he sounded made my heart flutter, like his personality was starting to match his good looks. NO. I shook myself awake. What was I thinking? I'd read Katya's blog! I knew what an idiot he was, she had clarified every suspicion I'd ever had since meeting him and revealed even more. He'd even hooked up with a 43 year old tattoo artist! People better watch out for their moms... 

"Yeah." I snapped coldly, whipping around to look him in the eye. His beautiful eyes... Ugh gross. 

"I was just..." he began, then saw the look of disgust I was working so hard to keep on my face, and gave up, "nevermind." He shut his locker and turned away. I felt like such a snob, and my heart panged with guilt. I stepped forward and planted my hand on his shoulder.

"Joshua, wait." He turned around looking a little too hopeful, I was surprised he wasn't mad at me for calling him Joshua. "What do you want?" I asked. He stuffed a crumpled paper into my hands and grinned sexily. 

"I was wondering if you and your friends wanted to come to my friend's party. Just the three of you, don't tell anyone he's trying to keep it low key. Oh and he's from Springcrest so you probably won't know him." As he spoke, I examined the paper. It was a simple invite scribbled in blue pen with an address and contact number. Two contact numbers in fact. I looked up at him, eyebrows raised. he snatched the paper away and pulled a pen from his blazer pocket, scribbling on the invite. He handed it back to me and the second number was circled with a drawing of a star next to it. "That's the better number." He explained, winking. I rolled my eyes. 

"So you want me, Tamara and Georgia?" I asked just to be clear.

"Especially Tam." he replied with a crooked smile and I felt a pang of jealousy... what was going on between him and Tamara? And why hadn't she told me? I nodded at him curtly, snapped my locker shut and strutted to my next class, wishing Tam and Georgia were by my sides for support. 


When I got to class, I assumed my seat and propped my books on the table. Anna Maria scooted closer to me, her teeth bared in a 'smile'. Just to try and make her leave me alone, I pulled out my cell-phone and texted teh first contact number on the invite. 

Hello, it is Maya (Josh's 'friend' from Sir Campstons) just confirming that I will come to the party. :)

I sent the text and wondered who would be on the recieving end: a boy or a girl? They replied in seconds.

Cool beans. & ur hot friends T and G??- Jake

I chuckled, clearly Josh had described Tam and Georgia to his friends, which was kind of sweet. But then I thought of the kind of things he might have said about me... I sent a text to Georgia and Tamara who were both in Health. 

Please don't come to any false conclusions girls, but would you both like to come to a party with  Josh and I? He wants you goys there :) - Maya

Oooh trust me, my conclusions are not fake girlie!! So excited to go partay with a hottay!!- Georgia xx

R u serious? Ahaha sounds good, but what conclusion have you reached Georgia? Which one of us is Josh crushing on?? (It's not me I assure you both ;)) But yeah so stoked to go party - Tamara 

Oh Tamara I wasn't talking about who Josh was crushing on, but more about who Maya is! But we all know the answer of course teehee ;) - Georgia xx

Oh girls you are such gossip merchants and NO I DON'T have a crush on that jerk wad!! But it's great you want to come, I would never have gone alone :)- Maya

Okey Dokey then :)- Georgia xx

Hi Jake, they both can't wait to come! I'll text Tamara and Georgia your number so they can text you in case anything happens :) - Maya

Lol sweet - Jake

The texting ended from there, or as far as I knew because at that moment the teacher walked in and the lesson began, my cellphone returning to the dark depths of my bag. 


The smell of the caffeteria assaulted my senses as I lined up for lunch. I took a turkey sandwhich but stowed it away in my bag, not hungry. Outside the cafeteria I sat down on a bench and waited for  Georgia or Tam to find me. But unfortunately Josh found me first.

"Hey babe." He said, slouching onto the bench next to me. I inched away from him, but this caused him to scoot even closer to me. 

"What?" I replied, then shocked that I had actually responded to 'babe', I added a frown. He laughed.

"Nothing, I just wanted to hang out with you." He replied, and we lapsed into silence.

"Hey, so are you really single?" I asked, feeling nosy. 

"Are you really flirting with me?"


"Then that's your answer." He said, and I had to laugh. 

" haven't kissed anyone or anything lately?" 

"Nope." He replied, then turned to me with a grin, "private school sucks, hey?" And then he was leaning towards me and I could smell him and the smell was actually really nice. Then his fingers were through my hair and I was leaning towards him, and all at once his lips were crushing mine in the most pleasant way. I wrapped my legs around him and pulled him tighter. He whimpered and kissed me harder, but I pulled away quickly, trying to catch my breath. I couldn't quite glare at him, when he was looking at me like that, in a way I couldn't really describe. the kiss had only lasted a second so I doubt it really qualified as a real kiss, but it managed to take my breath away all the same. He grabbed my hand. "What's wrong?"

"I just..." I didn't know how to reply. I couldn't just say I hated him because that would make me the jerk, and yet at the same time it would also be lying because I didn't really hate him at all. "Before you can kiss me... you have to win me over first." I said playfully, because it was true. I didn't want to be just another girl he fooled around with then forgot about in the list of others. And I din't want to kiss him if part of me strongly disliked the sight of him (not the sight itself, but the connotations assosciated). And since it was very unlikely he'd ever get me to fall for him, it was okay. He grinned and nodded. 

"I had a feeling it wouldn't be that easy to get you Maya," he said softly, "but it'll be worth it."

"Don't be so sure of yourself." I grinned, and punched his shoulder. This was the closest I had ever had to a boyfriend before, and if i could help it I wouldn't get any closer.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2013 ⏰

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