Chapter 2: Maya

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Our shoes clicked against the polished shiny floor of the reception room. Our steps exactly matched, hitting the ground at the same time. I leant against the reception desk and rang the bell. A clerk came forward, pushing her glasses up her nose. Behind her was Mrs Owens who was busy organising some files.

"Hello, name and purpose?" The clerk enquired. Mrs Owens pushed in front.

"Oh hello girls, Maya, Tamara, Georgia. Ignore Kayla, she's new on the job." She apologised. "Head right up to Principal Roger's office, you're welcome inside, no need to knock as always. She's expecting you." I gave Mrs Owens a quick nod and then headed up the corridor, the corridor I had walked through countless times still had me admiring the pretty mounted pictures and the simple glass table with a vase of ever changing flowers. Today they were fresh blossoms, representing the arrival of Spring. Their sweet scent wafted through each door. We reached the door with 'PRINCIPAL' engraved on a gold plate.

"Good morning girls."Principal Roger greets us. "We're launching the extra-curricular activities tomorrow and you are in charge of all enrichment programs and assesments. I've had a word with Hailey already and the sports activities are underway. Any queries?" Tamara asks a few questions, and I stare out the window. The last term in the year was always interesting. Lots of oppertunities, more pins to add to my blazer lapel. Feeling as fresh and new as the blossoms in the hallway, I walked out into the schoolyard and made my way to my locker. 

"I miss Sue." Georgia says sadly. Memories flash through my mind. Sue's chcolate skin and dazzling smile. Her interesting takes on things and comments that had even the teachers alughing. she was so bright and wonderful and a great friend, but had to leave the country to move back to Korea. Her locker had been next to mine, I wondered who would be taking her place and I hoped they were as friendly as she had been. 

"Yes, we all do. In the Summer holidays I'm going to beg my parents to take me to south Korea. I've always wanted to go, but now more than ever. Sue even offered to let us stay in her house for the trip." I say brightly. 

"Aw not fair!" Tamara cries. "Take me in your suitcase will you?"

"I wish." I reply sincerely. "you never know, my parents might even say yes to you two coming. They loving having you guys around."

"And my mom will agree to anything which means me getting out of the house!" Georgia says and we laugh.

"Bye!" I call, heading in the direction of my locker. A guy is standing outside Sue's old locker. I try to push past to get through to mine. He grabs me by the hip and looks me over.

"Sheesh, I only just got here and the girls are all over me." He grins. I want to throw up.

"Get out of my way, douche bag." I say, shocking myself. He bars my way deliberately.

"Nah, not so fast hot stuff." He says looking at me. "Man," I hear him mutter, "I'd do you any day." Vomit rises in my throat and I rush off to the bathroom. I splash cold water over my face and try to not throw up. What a jerk! I straighten my tie and brush the lint off my skirt. I fix up my hair, which is a caramel colour, tied in a high ponytail. He thinks he's so great, I think. Well, I have every teacher in the school on my side, and six years of complete honesty too. If he gets on my bad side, he's going down. and he hasn't made an entirely impeccable start.

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