❁ Bonus Chapter ❁

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Video: Sunshine Reggae by Laid Back

a/n: Just a little bonus chapter I wanted to write in-between the other chapters. A little chapter about Hollie's past and how she started to go bad since she won't talk about it to Levi as he knows the story already.

Hope you like it and the next update will be on Sunday as always!

Oh and thank you so so so so much for getting me to #29 in Humor. That's insane

Love you guys ♥︎

PS. I advise you not to read it if you don't like drug usage and/or underage sex. You have been warned. 

The Bad Girl Sleeps In My Bed ❁ Bonus Chapter


"Joint, blunt or bong?" A random guy whose name I still didn't know asked me. A small group of people and I were huddled outside the guy's country house; the night's sky was dark and eerie. I shrugged, not knowing what to respond. I didn't have that much experience when it came to weed. Actually, I had never smoked weed in my life before and this was going to be my first time trying it.

I was feeling excited but scared at the same time. I was only 14 and this was my first experience with drugs. I didn't know what to feel. Thank God the guys didn't know I was 14, I'm positive they would've given me out to the authorities for smoking weed at such a young age. But I'm guessing they didn't want to get caught with drug possession, which is why they didn't care. In their eyes, I was 18 years old. I even had a fake I.D to prove it. All of them were like 20 or older.

Don't even ask how I got together with a group of guys as old as them. I didn't really care about their age; I only cared about the weed.

"I'm guessing joint," I murmured.

"You wanna get extremely high or just lightly buzzed?" He asked again, taking out the plastic grip in which he kept his weed. He sniffed it, closing his eyes. "Man, this smells amazing."

"Lightly buzzed, I guess."

"You aren't a nark, right?"

"No." I replied, tugging on the skin on my lip, making it bleed. It was one of my nervous habits and I hated it. After a while my lips would get extremely swollen and they'd be all bloody and gross, not the best feeling in the world.

"Joint it is then," He chuckled. The guy took out some rolling paper with the words OCB regular written on it, material for a roach and a packet of loose tobacco that smelt like cherries. It was cherry tobacco aka my favorite.

The guy rolled up the joint in about two minutes and held up the perfect looking joint with pride on his face. Damn, he must practice a lot if he can roll a joint like that. I'm sure mine would look like something made by a five-year-old with safety scissors.

He pulled out a lighter for his pocket and said: "Alright, here goes nothing." He lit the joint and puffed it a couple of times, holding the smoke inside his lungs for a few seconds before blowing out the smoke. Once it hit my nostrils I smelt the weed and my heart started beating rapidly against my chest.

It's not too late to back out.

The guy passed the joint to the person sitting next to me and he did the same. Once the joint was passed to me, I looked at it, not knowing what to do. "How do I smoke weed?" I asked, feeling my cheeks grow red from embarrassment.

What kind of a question is that? Just smoke it like a regular cigarette.

"Inhale the joint, then hold it in for a couple of seconds and exhale. Otherwise it's pointless. But don't do that where you're desperately inhaling it and holding it down for like 10 minutes, the hit will be way too strong and you'll literally feel like a fucking kite and you can't understand anything. So take a smaller hit and then pass it on to the next one until your turn comes again. If you don't feel like your hit is that great, don't worry we have like two more grams and we can smoke that if you feel like it."

I nodded my head; taking in all of the information the guy gave me. To relax my nerves, I took a final deep breath and placed the joint in-between my lips.

No backing out now.


The whole world was spinning lightly.

All I could concentrate on was nodding my head back and forth to the music. My eyes were slightly closed, mouth dry and I felt like I could feel every cell and molecule in my body. A huge smile was plastered onto my face and it felt amazing.

The other guys were sitting like me, all of them extremely stoned. I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket but I didn't have the energy to take it out of my pocket nor did I want to do that. What it my mum called me right now, that would totally ruin the mood and I'm not the party pooper type.

The guy who gave me weed - I found out his name was Roscoe - pushed himself up from the ground and slowly walked towards me, his legs bouncing to the reggae music coming from his car. He sat down next to me and threw his arm over my shoulder, pulling me tightly against his body.

If I wasn't as stoned as I was currently, I wouldn't pushed him away immediately and yelled 'rape' or something similar but at the moment, I didn't really care. I just let his arm be on my shoulder.

"Come inside for a second, I wanna show you something," He whispered to my ear. The two of us got up and he grabbed my hand, dragging me behind him. We walked inside the small cottage and it literally felt like home. I'm positive every person would feel like they're home when they're inside this house.

"It's upstairs, c'mon."

I walked behind him upstairs and he led me to a small bedroom. I walked inside, admiring the renaissance style paintings and then I heard him closing the door, followed by a small 'click'. He had locked the door.

"Come here," He mumbled as he pulled me against his torso, our chests pressed together. He wrapped his arms around my waist and slowly moved them down to my ass. I felt a smirk growing on the face and I looked up at Roscoe, a smirk on his face as well.

Before I understood what was happening, our lips crashed together. At first, the kiss was soft and romantic but the more we started to kiss the rougher it got and I enjoyed every minute of it. My fingers tangled in his hair as I pulled him closer to me to get as much body contact as possible. I felt him lift me up as my legs wrapped around his waist and he turned around, slamming me against the door.

A gasp escaped my lips as he continued to leave a trail of hot kisses down my neck, harshly sucking and licking on the skin. His hands kept roaming up and down my body, lightly squeezing near my hipbones. Our lips connected once again and I felt his tongue entering my mouth. He was an incredible kisser I had to admit that. But of course he has had experience for about 20 years while I haven't kissed that many boys in my life.

"You're really fucking hot," He murmured against my lips.

I giggled, pulling on his shirt. He got the message and pulled the shirt over his head, throwing it onto the floor as he led me to the bed. I felt the soft mattress underneath my body as Roscoe climbed on top of me, sliding his hands under my shirt. Goosebumps appeared on my skin from the coldness of his hands. He removed my shirt in a swift movement and started kissing my neck once more, moving downwards to my chest and stomach area.

I closed my eyes, arching my body closer to him as he sucked on the skin near my breasts, sending a thousand shivers throughout my body. I felt his weight being removed on top of my and I opened my eyes and saw him fiddling with the belt of his jeans. I realized where this was going and took off my pants, leaving myself in just my bra and underwear.

"Wait, how old are you exactly?" He asked, looking confused.

"I'm eighteen."

"Well alright then," He laughed, connecting our lips once again.

This is it. No backing out now.

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