New Earth

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The TARDIS seemed to lunge forward, causing Zana to fly back against the railing as she watched the Doctor rush around the control panel gleefully. Rose was laughing excitedly as she gripped onto the edge of the console. Zana took that as a good sign. It meant this was how this outrageous machine usually flew. As soon as the turbulence stopped, the Doctor and Rose dashed towards the doors and stepped out, leaving Zana no choice to follow. She closed the door behind her and her eyes widened at the sight before her. Flying cars, a beautiful river, and a rather impressive city.

"It's the year five billion and twenty-three. We're in the galaxy M87, and this? This is New Earth," the Doctor informed the two of them as they stared in awe.

"That's just...That's just..." Rose started to laugh, pushing her hair from her face.

"Not bad. Not bad at all," the Doctor grinned.

"This is a whole new planet!" Zana beamed, allowing her excitement to take over her. "I'm on a new world! Wow..."

"This is amazing...I'll never get used to this. Never!" Rose jumped up and down, smiling at Zana. "Different ground beneath my feet, different sky! What's that smell?"

Zana took a whiff of the air, and immediately noticed the sweet scent that filled it. If it was possible, her smile widened as she spun around, taking in as much as she possibly could. She couldn't quite believe that she was here. After all, she was just on Earth literally minutes before. Now, look at her! Both feet on New Earth, along with side Rose Tyler and the Doctor! Everything seemed so surreal!

"Apple grass," the Doctor reached down and plucked a few blades of it.

"Apple grass!" Rose repeated happily.

"Yeah, yeah," he nodded, a wide grin on his face.

"It's beautiful...Oh, I love this!" Rose looped her arm around the Doctor's, who smiled down at her adoringly. Zana looked on, watching them as they interacted. She wasn't quite sure what they were to each other, but she knew it wasn't any of her business anyway. "Can I just say, traveling with you, I love it."

"Me too," he laced their fingers together. "Come on!"

With that, they took off across the meadow, looking like a very happy couple. But that was probably the last thing on Zana's mind if she was completely honest.

"Is it really necessary to run?" she raised an eyebrow, following after them.


Rose and the Doctor had been lying down on the apple grass, laughing and talking with each other as they used the Doctor's trench coat as a blanket to sit on. Zana, on the other hand, was just walking around aimlessly, taking in as much of the landscape as she could. Things on New Earth just seemed so...amazing! Everything on New Earth looked so new, yet so familiar, and it fascinated her. Rose was definitely right. She did love this!

"So, the year five billion, the sun expands, the Earth gets roasted," the Doctor was telling Rose, loud enough that Zana could make out what he was saying all the way from where she was standing. She wasn't really surprised knowing that the Earth was roasted. After all, scientists have been talking about it for years.

"That was our first date," Rose replied.

So...they were a couple, then? Zana still hadn't worked it out.

"We had chips," the Doctor smiled softly at the blonde. "So anyway, planet gone, all rocks and dust, but the human race lives on, spread out across the stars. Soon as the Earth burns up, oh yeah, they get all nostalgic, big revival movement, but then find this place. Same size as the Earth, same air, same orbit. Lovely. Call goes out, the humans move in."

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