New Earth Pt. 2

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"Ugh..." Zana groaned as her eyes fluttered open. Her head was pounding and her wrists were screaming out in pain, but that was the least of her worries. She was more concerned with the person possessing Rose at the moment.

"Ah, you're awake," Cassandra was standing right in front of her, a smug smile playing at her lips.

"It appears I am, yes," Zana retorted. "Tell me, how did you even manage to tie me to this railing thing?"

"Oh, I didn't. Chip did."

Zana raised an eyebrow, "Chip?"

"I serve the mistress," a man's voice made her turn her neck as much as she could. From what she could see, she was guessing he wasn't human. His skin was as very pale, and he had red markings all over his face and what little of his arms Zana could see.

"Why tie me up anyway?" she asked, careful not to tug at her restraints. They were extremely tight, and the rope wasn't taking kindly to her skin. "Where did you even get the rope? What the hell is going on, Cassandra?"

"I ask the questions," Cassandra informed.

"Where's the Doctor?" Zana glared at her.

"What did I just say?"

"I don't know, I was too busy asking questions. Now answer them."

Cassandra glared at her, "Who are you?"

"I'm Zana Kline. A friend of Rose's. And I guess the Doctor as well, I haven't quite decided. Now, if I ask nicely, will you let me go, and leave Rose's head?"

"You're new to this whole thing, aren't you?"

"New to what?"


"How do you know?"

"I'm inside blondie's head, remember?" she smirked.

"Okay. So I'm guessing asking nicely won't help." Then something donned on her. "Where's the Doctor? What have you done to him?"

She gave Zana a laugh, "Why are you worried about him?"

"Mostly because he's my ride," Zana rolled her eyes.

"Let me out! Let me out!" the Doctor's shouts rang out, and Zana realized just where he was. Oh no.

Cassandra smiled widely before walking over to the cell the Doctor was being held in, "Aren't you lucky there was a spare? Standing room only."

"You've stolen Rose's body!" he exclaimed.

"Over the years, I've thought of a thousand ways to kill you, Doctor. And now, that's exactly what I've got. One thousand diseases. They pump the patients with a top-up every ten minutes. You've got about three minutes left," she stepped back. "Enjoy."

"Just let Rose go, Cassandra."

"I will. As soon as I've found someone younger, and less common, then I'll junk her with the waste. Now hushaby! It's showtime."

Zana shook her head, "Use me, Cassandra. Just leave Rose alone!"

"Zana, no," the Doctor said sternly, but she didn't care. He wasn't her boss.

Cassandra turned to Zana, looking her over. Zana tried to keep a brave face, but she was terrified. She trusted that the Doctor would save her, but she couldn't tell you why. There was something about him that made her

"Are you volunteering?" Cassandra stepped closer to her.


"Then who am I to refuse?"

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