Fear Her

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In the weeks after that, things seemed to relax. Their adventures weren't anywhere near as traumatizing. In fact, they were actually quite pleasant. She and Rose had made snow angels on the planet of eternal winter, which was, funnily enough, called Gloria, and the Doctor bought the both of them an odd drink with a name she couldn't possibly pronounce, but it tasted similar to hot chocolate, so she didn't mind. The Time Lord also took his two companions to what was essentially a marketplace on an asteroid. Which turned out to be a giant mistake on his part, because he had to carry everything they bought. Which was a lot. A lot. Oh, and the voice? It didn't fully disappear, but it was nowhere near as frequent as it had been. The Doctor was sure to check on her before she retired for the night, which she secretly adored. Not that she'd ever admit it, of course.

"Oi!" Zana exclaimed, being pulled from her thoughts as Rose yanked the book she had been reading out of her hands before handing it to the Doctor. He grabbed it and set it down on the console, making her huff. "There are better ways to get my attention, Miss Tyler."

"Aw, but you're so fun to mess with," Rose grinned that tongue-in-cheek smile, pulling on her denim jacket. "Besides, the Doctor said we're somewhere brilliant!"

"He always says that," she stood up, stretching her arms slightly. She had forgotten how long she was sitting there.

"And do I disappoint?" The Doctor raised an eyebrow but held up a hand before she could respond. "Ah, ah, don't answer that." Zana gave him a cheeky grin, which he returned with a wink before rushing towards the doors, throwing them open in a very dramatic fashion. "Ah."

"What is it?" Zana looked back at the time rotor and started laughing at the sight. "Oh, you parked us so we couldn't get out. How very Doctor-like!"

"Oi, watch it," he pointed at her teasingly before quickly correcting his mistake. This time, Zana and Rose followed after him. "Ah!" He beamed as they stepped outside.

Rose looked around, pushing the few stray pieces of hair from her face as she spotted a Shane Ward Greatest Hits poster. "So, near future, yeah?

"I had a passing fancy," the Doctor informed as the trio began walking away from the TARDIS. "Only it didn't pass, it stopped."

"How far into the future?" Zana pondered as they rounded a corner towards a rather small, and by the looks of it, friendly-looking neighborhood.

"Thirtieth Olympiad!" The Doctor grinned, shoving his hands into his pockets as they caught sight of the giant banner that read 'London 2012'.

"No way! Why didn't we think of this?" Rose turned to Zana and laughed ."That's great!"

"Only seems like yesterday a few naked Greek blokes were tossing a discus about, wrestling each other in the sand with crowds stood around baying. No, wait a minute, that was Club Med," the Doctor joked, nudging Zana with his shoulder as he laughed. She couldn't help but smile as she linked her arm through his. "Just in time for the opening doo dah, ceremony, tonight, I thought you two would like that. Last one they had in London was dynamite! Wembley, 1948. I loved it so much, I went back and watched it all over again," Zana chuckled, shaking her head at his excitement. "Fella carrying the torch. Lovely chap, what was his name?" Rose stopped walking alongside them, but they just kept going, oblivious. "Mark? John? Mark? Legs like pipe cleaners, but strong as a whippet!"

"John Mark, Doctor," Zana informed with a laugh.

"Doctor," Rose called. "Zana, come here."

"And in those days, everybody had a tea party to go to," the Doctor informed Zana, who raised an eyebrow in mock interest.

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