The Girl in the Fireplace

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"Mickey, come on!" Zana grabbed the man's hand as she pulled him out of the TARDIS doors. The Doctor hadn't really said anything since he landed us, but Zana was too excited for the adventure ahead to really notice.

"I'm coming!" Mickey laughed at her enthusiasm, but his eyes widened once he caught sight of their destination. "It's a spaceship. Brilliant! I got a spaceship on my first go!"

"It looks kind of abandoned," Zana looked around at the scattered pieces of equipment as the Doctor and Rose stepped out of the spaceship. "Anyone on board, Doctor?"

"Nah, nothing here. Well, nothing dangerous. Well, not that dangerous," the Doctor paused when Rose gave him a look. "You know what, I'll just have a quick scan, in case there's anything dangerous.

"So, what's the date? How far have we gone?" Rose watched as he stepped up to a control panel, picking up a handful of bits and pieces as he looked over everything.

"About three thousand years into your future, give or take," he informed as he pulled up on a lever, making the ceiling open up to show the stars overhead, Zana looked on in awe. They were so beautiful... "Fifty-first century. Diagmar Cluster, you're a long way from home, Mickey. Two and a half galaxies."

Rose moved over to Mickey, who was staring out of a window. Zana smiled as she rested her hands on his shoulder and smiled at him. "Mickey Smith, meet the universe. See anything you like?"

"It's so realistic!" Mickey grinned happily.

"Dear me, had some cowboys in here," the Doctor muttered, dropping the collection of useless pieces back down onto the panel. "Got a ton of repair work going on..." Zana walked over and was soon joined by Rose and Mickey as a computer came to life, revealing the exterior of the ship. "Now that's odd...Look at that. All the warp engines are going. Full capacity. There's enough power running through this ship to punch a hole in the universe, but we're not moving. So where's all that power going?"

"Where did everyone go?" Zana looked around. "Surely someone would know we were here by now."

"Good question. No life readings on board," he murmured as he read the readings from the computer.

"Well, we're in deep space. They didn't just nip out for a quick fag," Rose commented,

"No, I've checked all the smoking pods," Zana raised an eyebrow when he sniffed the air. "Can you smell that?"

"Yeah, someone's cooking," Rose nodded.

"Sunday roast, definitely," Mickey agreed.

The Doctor pressed down on a button, making the wall behind the three move away to reveal a whole other room. "Well, there's something you don't see in your average spaceship," he commented as the small group walked towards the newly discovered room.

A fireplace immediately caught Zana's eye, making her frown in confusion. "Mind explaining that, Doctor?"

"Eighteenth-century. French," he informed before pulling out the sonic screwdriver, scanning over it. "Nice mantle. Not a hologram," he frowned, knocking on the wood. "It's not even a reproduction. This actually is an eighteenth-century French fireplace. Double-sided. There's another room through there."

"There can't be," Rose shook her head as she looked out of a window. "That's the outer hull of the ship. Look."

Zana walked over and looked out towards the stars. Rose was right.

"Hello," the Doctor smiled, making Rose and Zana turn to see him crouched down, smiling into the fireplace.

"Hello," a young girl's replied. The two women instantly moved to see who he was talking to. Much to Zana's surprise, on the other side of the fire, was a young girl with long, blonde hair. She was dressed in a nightgown and was obviously in her bedroom, which Zana didn't get. How was that even possible?

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