The Idiot's Lantern

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When Zana woke up the next day to her name being called, she half expected the Doctor to be at her door, telling her to get up and get ready, but instead, all she found was an empty TARDIS. Rose wasn't in her room, nor was the Doctor in the console room, which she found odd. Where the hell could they be?

"Doctor?" She called out as she ran a hand through her hair, tugging at the knots that had appeared in her sleep. "Rose? Are you two busy?"

No response.

"Doooctor? Come on, Doc."

Again, nothing.

She huffed and groggily walked back to her bedroom, nearly tripping over the pair of jeans she had been donning the day before. A curse escaped her lips as she moved towards her closet, absently grabbing an outfit before stepping into the loo. Might as well get ready for the day. Or night. Or whatever time she was going to end up in.


The control room immediately shined a bit brighter when Zana stepped foot into it, but she didn't seem to notice as she dialed Rose Tyler's phone number into her mobile. Within seconds she pressed the device to her right ear as she slid on her leather jacket and moved towards the doors.

"Come on...come on..." she murmured as she walked out of the blue box. Her eyes instantly started taking in her surroundings, which really didn't seem like much. It looked just like a normal London street, much to her disappointment. She had tuned out the ringing of the phone line, but that was abruptly interrupted when the voice of the Doctor filled her head.

"Zana? Zana, are you alright?" His voice sounded panicked, making the brunette frown as she turned in a circle, trying to find someplace she recognized, but to no prevail.

"I'm fine, Doctor. What's wrong? Where are you?" She questioned curiously.

"Zana, get back in the TARDIS," the panicked tone had turned to a more authoritative one, surprising her.

"What? Where are you two?" Her frown deepened as she strode down the sidewalk.

"That doesn't matter. Now get in the damn TARDIS!"

"I think you think you have authority over me, which you don't, by the way."

"Just do as I say, Zana," the tone of his voice sent a shiver down her spine.

"What's wrong, Doctor? What's going on?" The worry had seeped into her voice, but she didn't care. Something was wrong, really wrong, by the sounds of it. The Doctor was angry, and she knew what he was capable of when he was in this state of mind. But why wouldn't he tell her what happened? It admittedly takes a lot to get him cross. Press the right button, strike the right nerve...wait a second, where's Rose? "Doctor, what happened to Rose?"

"Zana, please! Just listen to me!" He sounded desperate now. "Look, I'm heading back to the TARDIS now, if you're not-"

Just as Zana turned a corner, she spotted two figures running down the sidewalk towards her. Almost instantly she recognized one of them as the distressed Time Lord, and a teenage boy, that had to be only a few years younger than her, and who was also carrying a strange makeshift contraption in his arms. She pulled her phone from her ear and pressed the 'end' button, locking eyes with the Doctor as he rushed towards her. And he did not look happy.

"Is it so hard for you to listen to me?" Was the first thing out of his mouth as he walked right up to her, his eyes not leaving hers.

"Apparently so," she replied, looking over the features of his face. He was beyond angry. He was livid. If Zana didn't know him, she'd think he was the one who had to be stopped. And who knows? Maybe he was.

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