The Satan Pit

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"Open fire!"

Rose and Zana squeezed their eyes closed as Jefferson and his guard immediately began shooting at the possessed Ood. Zana felt as though her eardrums were going to burst, but what else was new? This whole day had wreaked havoc on her, physically and mentally. Those bloody Cybermen that seemed to haunt her dreams whenever that voice chose not to seemed so small in comparison. One would think that she would decide right then and there that the traveling wasn't worth it, but the only thing she decided at that moment was that the Doctor and Rose were, and that was irrevocable. 

"We're stabilizing!" The teen could faintly hear Zach cry over the comm as the shots eventually died down. "We've got orbit!"

Rose quickly looked over Zana before hurrying towards the comm, desperate to check on the Doctor as well, "Doctor? Doctor, can you hear me? Doctor, Ida, are you there?"

"Open door 25."

Zana gasped and quickly rushed behind Jefferson as that damned automated voice filled her ears. The two security guards instantly took aim as the door flew open, only to reveal Danny.

"It's me!" Danny breathed, holding his hands up. "But they're coming!"

"Close door 25."

"It's the Ood," he gulped. "They've gone mad!"

"How many of them?" Jefferson asked quickly.

"All of them! All fifty!"

Jefferson stepped forward, shoving Danny out of the way of the door, "Danny, out of the way. Out of the way!"

"But they're armed!" The frightened man tried to explain. "It's the interface device. I don't know how, but they're using it as a weapon!"

"Open door 25."

Jefferson ignored him and Zana instinctively stepped behind Danny as the Ood came into sight. The leading Ood wasted no time pressing its interface device to the poor guard's forehead, sending her to the floor with a horrifying scream.

"No..." Zana's voice cracked as more gunfire rang out, this time Jefferson being the lone gunman. Once the sound of bullets dissipated, she closed her eyes and sighed. What a day.

"Seal door 24!" Jefferson called. "Seal door 23!"

"Jefferson, what's happening there?" Zach's voice made Zana jump.

"I've got very little ammunition, sir. How about you?"

There was a short pause, "All I've got is a bolt gun. With er, all of one bolt. I could take out a grand total of one Ood. Fat lot of good that is!"

"Given the emergency, I recommend strategy nine," Jefferson's voice was filled with nothing but professionalism, which worried the teen. Obviously, this 'strategy nine' was quite serious, and that could mean one of two things. One, they leave the planet, or two, they exterminate the base. Zana didn't really fancy the latter.

"Strategy Nine," Zach repeated in slight disbelief before letting out a sigh. "Agreed. Right, we need to get everyone together. Zana? Rose? What about Ida and the Doctor? Any word?"

"I can't get a reply. Just nothing..." Rose's voice nearly broke. Zana moved towards her and laid a hand on her shoulder in an admittedly bad way to comfort her. "I keep trying, but it's-"

As if on cue, static filled the comm as the Doctor could be heard, "No, sorry, I'm fine! Still here!"

Rose visibly breathed an annoyed breath, "You could've said, you stupid-"

"Oi," Zana muttered as feedback interrupted her.

"Whoa! Careful!" The Doctor exclaimed. "Anyway, it's both of us. Me and Ida. Hello! But the seal opened up. It's gone...All we've got left is this chasm."

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