chapter 1

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"liam!?" my mum's voice was heard from downstairs.

i was hoping if i stayed up here long enough, she'll forget or change her mind. but, nope. she's still forcing me to go.

i groan as i sling my backpack over my shoulder and grab my duffle bag. i drag my feet out of my comfy, cool room and around the corner to the top of the stairs. i see my mum on the phone, waiting by the door. i could easily trip down the stairs, then i won't have to go.

"liam, there you are. hurry up, we don't want to get there too late." she's looking at me with her mum eyes. her hand is on her hip, acting impatient.

i know she's not going to stop staring at me until i'm all the way down the stairs. this is just great, honestly. i was supposed to have fun this summer, but noo my mum just had to find out about this camp.

i mean, why would someone come up with such a place? especially for the summer. why would they do this? i don't want to be out in the hot sun, doing boring activities with stranger people.

that is not my idea of a fun summer.

i'm 15, i shouldn't be stuck going to camp. this is honestly torture.

"do you have everything?" she reaches for my duffle bag and i hand it to her while nodding, "okay, good. let's go."

she smiles and opens the door for me to walk out. she doesn't trust me enough to walk out first. i wouldn't trust me either, i'd honestly do anything to get out of going.

i slump into the car and turn my attention to the window. i really don't want to talk about the stupid camp the whole way there.

i hear her get in and close her door. she then starts the engine and the radio softly plays. she doesn't say anything though, not yet at least. i know she will sooner or later. but i won't respond, i want her to know how much i hate the idea of going to camp.

"you can't give me the silent treatment forever, y'know?" i feel her glance at me as she turns onto the highway.

i shrug. i can give her the silent treatment forever, and i will.

well, just for the summer at least.

after a while of driving, i see a sign that says "1 mile until camp beaumont" and i groan. i quickly check the time and see we've been driving for almost 2 hours. why does it feel shorter?

"you're going to have fun, i promise." she obviously doesn't know what fun is.

fun is not being out in the hot sun with people i don't even know while i'm almost 3 hours away from home.

i don't know what she expects to happen this summer. i mean, i get good grades and i don't do anything rebellious. so, why is she trying to torture me?

i've never been to camp before, why now?

i'm probably going to be the only new comer. everyone's going to have their own friends and groups and i'm gonna end up being miserable and alone. miserable, hot, and alone.

that combination is never good.

i start to feel the road get a little bumpy and then i notice we're driving through the woods. great, just great. is it gonna deep in the woods so my screams can't be heard?

tree after tree pass by, they're so close together. is the whole forest like this? how are you supposed to walk around or run for safety?

"look at the lake. isn't it beautiful?" i turn my head toward her side, where the lake is.

it does actually look beautiful. there's canoes and a dock. i wouldn't mind hanging out around the water.

some cabins start coming into view which means we've reached camp. the cabins actually don't look that bad. they're made of wood of course but it has a front porch where you can sit and hang out. the stairs to get to the porch and door look sturdy enough which is good. there are windows on both sides of the door and it looks better than i thought it would.

i look out in front of the car and see there's a line of cars entering the camp. great, does that mean there's going to be a lot of a people here? i really hope not.

"how's it looking so far?" i see her glance at me and i shrug.

it looks good, better than i expected. but, i still really don't want to be here. i might have one or two fun days but that's gonna be it. i don't feel like being here for 2 whole months, i'm going to be bored and hot and miserable.

three things i don't want to be.

"finally." i hear her whisper as the line of cars start to move.

ugh, no. please no.

the tall entrance sign says "welcome to camp beaumont" in cream letters against the dark wood. this only makes me not want to be here even more.

soon we are in a form of a half circle and i start to see people getting their stuff out of their car and walking to a guy standing in the middle of the half circle. he starts pointing in the direction of the cabins and i see kids excitedly running to their cabins.

i'm going to be the only one not excited. this is just great.

"are you ready?" i shake my head and she just pats my shoulder before getting out of the car.

i hear the trunk open and a few seconds later it closes again. i see her walk to my side in the side mirror. i try locking the door but she gets to it before i could. ugh, great.

"you can survive 2 months liam. i promise it won't be as bad as you think." she's not the one being forced to stay here, so she can say that.

"this is so unfair." i finally decide to say as i get out of the car.


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