chapter 2

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my mum walks me over to the guy that's directing people to their cabins. there isn't much of a line so i don't have to wait too long. i really don't want to be in this heat, i hope the cabins are somewhat air-conditioned.

"name?" the tall, lanky camp instructor asks.

"oxford. liam oxford." my mum answers.

"ah, here we are," he says after a while of searching his clipboard, "you're in cabin 3B." he points to one that's closer to the lake and i smile a little.

at least one good thing came out of this.

my mum thanks the camp instructor and then drags me toward the cabin. i really hope i don't share a cabin with any weird outdoorsy people. if i have to be stuck here all summer, i want it to be bearable.

as we get closer to the cabin we start walking along the lake and i slow my pace to admire it a little. the sun shines perfectly off of it and it surprisingly doesn't smell like rotting fish. it looks so calming, i really wanna take a swim in it. that better be one of the activities, there's no way that i'm going to be stuck in the sun without going swimming.

"a week."


"if in a week you still don't want to be here, i'll come get you."

did she really just say that? that's probably the best thing she's said today.

i know i won't magically start liking this place in a week. i'll actually still be able to have fun this summer. in a week i can go home. i won't have to suffer all summer.

"really?" i ask, just to make sure she's being serious.

"yes. but, i do think you'll enjoy it here."

"i doubt it."

"just at least try."

i sigh and nod. i still don't get why she thinks i'll have fun here.

we barely ever disagree on things. me and my mum have a good bond and we never really argue. when we do its not big. so i don't get why she's making me do this. this is the only thing we've disagreed on recently and if she wasn't willing to negotiate i'd be pretty pissed at her.

i still don't like the fact of being here for a week but it's shorter than 2 months, so i'll take it.

the lake starts to disappear and the cabin is in front of us now. "3B" written in white against the dark wood. through the window i see a figure, it looks like it's unpacking. i try looking for other figures but i only see the one. hopefully that's a good thing.

"promise me you'll try to have fun."

"yeah, i promise." i doubt i will but i can at least try i guess.

she smiles and kisses my forehead. we stand there awkwardly before she gives me a hug. i hug back and as we let go she walks back to the car. i watch as she leaves, hoping she'll change her mind and tell me to come with her. but, she doesn't. she gets in the car and waves goodbye as she drives away.

well, i guess this is happening then.

i slowly turn to the cabin and begin walking up the steps. i admire the porch swing and the circle table that's on either corner. i admire mostly the porch swing though, i've always wanted one. i set my bags down and walk over to it.

it looks pretty sturdy and the cushion looks somewhat comfortable. i slowly ease myself onto the swing and shut my eyes once i'm on it. i feel as some breeze blows on me as i softly swing back and forth.

maybe this won't be so bad.

let's just hope my roommate is bearable.

i hop off of the swing and walk over to my bags to pick them up. i stare at the door for a while knowing that once i step inside, it's going to be real.

i've been trying to make the last few days go by slowly but this still happened all too fast. i can't tell if i'm nervous, angry, sad, or what. but, i just know that i'm not ready for this summer to happen anymore.

and i also know that i can't keep putting it off.

i suck in a deep breath as i start to walk toward the door. i let it out as my hand finds the knob and turns it. and before i know it i'm inside the cabin.

there are two twin beds on either side of the room. one has a suitcase on it and the other is neatly empty. i notice there's another door and its closed but there's light coming from the inside. maybe a bathroom? i hope so, i need my privacy.

i pass the first bed since its occupied and head to the one that's on the far end of the cabin. i set my bags on the bed and sit next to them. i scan the room again to take it all in.

this still seems surreal.

i really want to be in my own room on my own bed.

at least there's air-conditioning. i'm glad i won't be sweating in my sleep.

i notice the light to the bathroom turn off and the door knob starts to turn. to say i'm panicking would be an understatement. i feel myself tense as i see a boy, around my age step out of the bathroom. his tan skin still looks wet from probably taking a shower. he has on a black shirt with dark blue skinny jeans. as i look up at his face i see that he's already staring at me and has such beautiful brown eyes. i could stare into them forever.

after a few seconds a smile grows on his face and he skips to me. when he reaches me he sticks out his hand and i take it in mine. his grips is so soft and his hands feel like heaven.

"hi, i'm zain. you must be liam! we're cabin buddies."


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