chapter 11

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"why what?" he asked, but he seemed like he already knew.

"why'd you stop talking to me? i mean we were fine and then the next morning it was like i was invisible or something." i tried to keep my voice strong but i know it cracked a few hundred times.

"i don't know, i was scared." he said softly and i still don't know what that means.

"i'm not going to come onto you, if that's what you're afraid of.." i fiddled with my fingers, looking at them as i did. i couldn't bare looking at him, this is all too awkward.

"what? no, that's.. that's not what i was afraid of. liam, i.. i was scared because i felt like coming onto you." he seemed so self conscious as he spoke, i've never seen him be anything but confident.

"i.. what? why would you come onto me?" he shot me a look as if i just asked the stupidest question ever.

"because, you dork, i like you." he giggled and it made me have a heart attack.

"really? you like me? how does a beautiful boy, such as yourself, like me?" even with all the butterflies in my stomach, this feels so awkward.

"you think i'm beautiful?" his cheeks turned a bright red and i felt joy overcome me.

"oh, uhm. well, yeah. i know its weird because you're a guy but yeah, i don't know.." i swear all i do is embarrass myself in front of him.

"its not weird. i quite like you thinking i'm beautiful." he was smiling and i couldn't help but smile too.

"oh, okay." i was blushing so hard, this is not what i was expecting to happen.

the awkwardness seemed to be gone as we sat in silence. well, not complete silence. the crickets were going crazy but i didn't mind, all i could focus on was the beautiful caramel skinned boy in front of me.

i quickly checked the time as i felt myself get sleepy, it was almost 10pm. i felt kinda shocked because i'm always to bed at 11:30pm, i guess figuring out that your crush likes you is tiring.

"are you tired?" his voice flows through my ear and i yawn in response, "you should get some sleep." he giggled and walked over to me.

he actually walked over to me, he didn't turn left for the bathroom. he slipped the blanket over me and cutely tucked me in. i couldn't help but to stare at him, i feel like its been ages when its only been a week. i just hope he doesn't do that again.

"g'night liam." he flashes me a cute smile and places a soft kiss to my head. if i wasn't so tired i'd be freaking out.

as the sparks died down, i drifted off to sleep. i always have dreams of zain, but this one seemed happier than the others.


"you can't just jump on him!" there was a whispered voice and it sounded like zain.

"why not? i'm bored." there was a thick irish accent and i was already plotting my revenge for him thinking he can interrupt my sleep.

"don't you have an activity to get to?" zain asked sternly and then there was some movements.

"its saturday loser." i felt a weight on me and i heard zain sigh.

"get off of him." i heard a soft whack and kyle giggling.

"so you're one of those jealous, overprotective boyfriends?" boyfriend? did i hear that right? oh god, what is this tingling feeling?

"kyle, oh my god. what if he can hear us?" i can tell zain is blushing and i wish i was awake to see it.

"he's asleep, how would he hear us?" i felt as kyle got off of me and i heard as he walked to zains bed.

"i don't know, just shush. i only said i wanted to be his boyfriend not that i am." oh my god, did he really just say that? i'm probably dreaming, yeah i have to be.

ow, okay. probably shouldn't have pinched myself so hard.

"we all know you guys are gonna end up together." i felt as the butterflies erupted in my stomach and it was such an amazing feeling.

"you don't know that." zain said softly and i just wanted to cradle him.

i do feel kind of awkward because i just overheard zain saying he wanted to be my boyfriend, i'm not good at lying or pretending i don't know something. i kinda wish i actually was asleep but then again i'm glad i'm not.

i heard the door open and i'm guessing it's marcus and harry. i wonder if they went through what me and zain are going through, i mean we can't be the only ones having a hard time trying to be together.

god this seems surreal, i never thought i'd be here yet alone fall for my cabin buddie.

"oi, sleepyhead." i felt rough fingers poking at my sides and automatically knew it was marcus.

i should probably wake up now, even though i've only known mark for 2 weeks i know that he wouldn't hesitate to try anything, and i mean anything, to wake me up.

"if you don't get up i'm going to get a bucket of water and -"

"alright, okay. i'm up." i quickly sat up and rushed to the bathroom before he got it anyway.

i took my time as i used the bathroom and washed up. i'm not exactly ready to face zain yet. i know i'm going to do something stupid and probably mess this up. ugh.

after i finished i quickly brushed out my bed head and walked back into the main room. everyone was just sitting or laying around acting bored. as i checked the time i saw that it was almost 9am and groaned at how early it was.

"why we up so early on a saturday?" i asked as i looked around for a place to sit since mark took over my bed.

"because mr. sunshine over there forgot to unset the alarm." marcus groaned and pointed to kyle who was on the floor playing with a puzzle as harry watched.

"shut up, mark. i wanted us all to hang out." kyle threw the box that the puzzle came in at marcus but he caught it.

"blah." marcus tried to mock kyles accent as he set the box over his face.

i just chuckled at my group of friends that i'm so glad i met.

i head to zains bed since its the only place that has a free space. he's laying horizontally on it with his feet on the ground so i lay the same way next to him. we look and smile at each other for a while, i don't mind it. i could honestly stare at him all day.

i just hope he actually feels the same.


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