chapter 18

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all yesterday zain and i stayed inside. it was amazing, just being close to him. i know we've been close before, but it feels so much more different now that we're together. i just hope this feeling last, i just hope he's as happy as i am.. 

when i roll over, i see that the clock reads 10am. i smile to myself knowing that there isn't an activity today. i'm so glad that i'll be spending today with zain as official boyfriend and boyfriend. i would've never thought this would actually happen. i didn't want it to, only because i was afraid of the ending. but i don't even care anymore. whether we stay together or not, i'm just so happy that i am his and he is mine.

"good morning." his beautiful raspy voice filled my ears and i smiled as my eyes met his.

"morning." i blushed as he got up and started to walk toward me.

"so what do you wanna do today?" he asked as he crawled into bed with me.

"this." i smirked as i pulled him closer to me to cuddle.

"sounds like a plan." he chuckled as he held me tight in his arms.

i cant believe the amount of times i've smiled between last night and this morning. its crazy that this person that i met almost two moths ago can have this kind of effect on me. i never thought i would fall in love until i was at least in my 20's. only because there are no gay people at my school, or in my neighborhood. i thought it would be a long time until i found someone. but i'm so glad i came here, i'm so glad that i found him. 

as time went on, i felt myself start to doze off again. i tried to fight it because i didn't want to stop feeling his arms around me, but the way his breathing matched mine caused my eyes to grow heavier as sleep came to consume me. 

as what feels like 5 minutes have passed, i start to hear noises. well, not noises, but voices. and no i'm not crazy. the voices sound familiar, i'm just too tired to comprehend them. 

how long did i even sleep?

as i start to feel myself become more aware of my surroundings, i notice that zain is talking. i'm not sure what he's saying, but i can feel the hum of his voice through my arm since its wrapped around him. 

oh god. my arm is wrapped around him. and there's people in the room.

can they see? do they notice? do they care? does he care? 

what if he tried to remove my arm but my sleeping self wouldn't let him? 

okay, i'm overthinking. he wouldn't go out with me if he wasn't out right? like, he wouldn't just agree to because he felt bad for me, would he? oh god, he's probably so embarrassed of me. he's probably telling whoever it is he's talking to that he just felt bad for me so he's letting me cuddle him.

ugh, okay. i really need to stop. i swear i think too much. my thoughts are going to kill me one of these days..

i just need to figure out who he's talking to before i assume things.

as i feel him stop talking. a thick irish accent fills the room and i feel my breathing return to normal. after that two more english accents fill the room and i slowly start to turn over on my other side to open my eyes. as i start to remove my hand from zains waist he quickly grabs it and secures it back. heat rushes to my cheeks as the other lads to start to coo causing zain to throw something at them.

i feel zains lips connect to my temple and my eyes flutter open. the smile he gives me sends butterflies erupting in my stomach. 

"good morning." 

"its still morning?" i ask as i quickly sit up and check the clock.

"yeah, we only slept for a few more minutes." he chuckles and i nod.

"so are you guys going to keep making heart eyes at each other or are we going to watch some movies?" kyle jokingly asked which caused zain to throw another pillow.

as i get up i head to the bathroom to splash some water on my face to wake  myself up. as i look in the mirror, i'm taken aback by the person i see looking at me, they look like me but their face is taken up by a huge smile.

after i dry off my face, i head back into the main room and see that the beds are pushed together and the boys are waiting for me so they can start the movie. i quickly crawl onto the bed and sit next to zain as sharktales start to play.

the caramel skinned boy who is holding my hand tightly in his, distracts me from the movie. the day i first saw him overcomes my thoughts. i still think the same i did, and i can't help but smile as i remember when i used to dream of this happening.

i'm pulled from my thoughts by a pair of lips on my temple, i giggle as i see its the boy i'm in love with. his smile blinds me as he pulls me into him and cuddles me. 

as i lay in his arms, the world feels like its disappearing and its just me and him. just me and him laying here, cuddled together, with nothing to disrupt us. and in this moment, i knew he would break my heart. 

but i didn't care..


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2019 ⏰

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